Readers Questions | Can We Undo A Binding Candle Spell?

Here is reader with a potentially serious problem regarding a binding spell.


My boyfriend and I are concerned because we believe we may have subconsciously performed a candle spell. We have consulted someone for the meaning for what we have done but just want to be sure of the answers.

Here is the basic problem. We are both natural witches…although up till now we have not done any formal training to define and learn about our abilities and such. We are both in the process of divorcing our previous spouses. He met the woman he married in Jr High while he was still dating me. He fell hard for her and he and I lost contact until recently. I am well aware that he is still very much in-love with his x-wife to be. The other night he pulled out his spirit board because he felt compelled to use it. Before actually using the board he set up a series of candles. He set them in the shape of a pentagram…3 short red candles in glass jars. One large purple candle in a glass jar and one large light pink pillar candle. He lit all of them. He needed to thin the wax from one of the red candles and poured the melted red wax into the pink candle. Later in the night when we were done with the board I poured the wax from the same red candle into the pink…again to thin the wax around the wick. When he stared to do it I told him not too but did not think before I did it myself.

After consulting a friend who knows more then we do about these things we are not sure if we have now cast a binding or love spell or not. We do know that at the time he had both myself and his x-wife to be on his mind and I had him only on my mind. We are concerned that either he may have bound himself to her and I both while I bound myself to him…or that we have just performed some sort of spell that binds us to each other. The info that we were given is that we have basically just bound each other and that the old relationship will die away because of the timing of the spell…just a few days before the new moon…we did this on Thursday, January 22 2009.

I am asking for a definition and explanation for what we have done. I would also like to know the harm and benefits of what we have done. Also if you could tell me what we need to do now that would help. No matter what it is that we have done we both agree that if there is any safe way to undo it we would like to. We love each other a great deal but if there is a way we want to let fate take its course and not meddle in anyway.

Please help us if you can.

Thank you


I had asked for a bit more clarification and this is the second post I received:

Well my main concern is simple. I know that we have performed a binding spell of some sort I just don’t know what exactly we did. He poured the wax from the red candle into the pink…then later I did the same. He was thinking of me and his ex which he still loves.
What did we do and can we undo it?


First, Sabrina, I would like to apologize for the time you waited for this answer. I had a rush of clients and was getting absolutely no time to contemplate what to write to you.

My first thoughts was that it was a shame that you, who obviously are so devoted to this man, are not the recipient of the same level of devotion. He should have been clear with you when you were considering this spell.

Now, what to do? If the relationship (meaning with you and him) is going strong, then that is good, however, keep in mind, if things ‘go south’ (meaning going wrong), then you have to do a little separation work. These kind of candle spells are not something to take lightly and all intentions should be considered when doing one.

The more important problem is HIS – because his intentions were not altogether true to YOU. He might have set himself up to have contact with his ex for a very long time – regardless of children that they might have together (that’s a whole ‘nuther ballgame).

IF you are ready to move on from him, then get a female figure candle and a male figure candle in white (peace) and set them back to back and tie them with white string (not too thick). Set on glass Pyrex pie pan with a petition paper that has your full name written on it in one direction, and his full name written COMPLETELY UPSIDE DOWN under your name. Then, take a scissor and cut 95% through the paper from each direction, leaving only a paper shard holding the paper together. This will be placed under the figure candles.

I would also strongly suggest the 9 Walnut Baths to clear out the situation. E-mail me privately about this one.

Pour a whole bottle of Cut and Clear Anointing Oil over the two candles, letting it drizzle and drip over the string, petition paper and candles. Then light candles, first the female THEN the male, and send him off with peace and love, praying that he will find what he is truly looking for and praying that he will understand and wish the same for you. This is a ‘no animosity’ candle spell – one where you know that it isn’t going to work and you wish them peace in departure as you want peace a this time as well.

If he is now wanting to ‘undo’ his binding to his ex (because of HIS mindset while performing this), there are reputable spell caster who can help with this. Since I do not know what part of the country or world you are at, I would suggest going to your local botanica or candle shop and ask around for some suggestions before choosing someone to perform this. WORD OF CAUTION: This is not your job to undo his binding to his ex; leave it to him.

Bless you, I hope this helps.


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