The third and final Mercury Retrograde will occur from September 27th to October 18th 2021 and for this final phase, Mercury will be in the astrological sign of Libra, the Scales. Mercury enters retrograde status at 1:10 am Eastern time on the 26th, but will be at 10:10 pm at night on the 25th in the Pacific time zone.
These three times that Mercury goes into Retrograde motion each year are times that we can review our accomplishments we have garnered so far so that we can make adjustments, while giving us a wee bit of chaos to make sure we are working at our best in terms of improvision and adaptability. Imagine being a Radio City Rockette doing the kick line on a stage full of banana peels! Now imagine Mercury being in the front row of the audience! Quel horror!
Mercury, the planet of communication and natal planet of Gemini and Virgo, affects these signs more than others, despite the Retrograde time being challenging to all of us. Gemini and Virgo (an Air and an Earth sign) can succeed in slowing down and thinking before speaking and also re-reading those e-mails and texts before sending them. Mercury will also affect those born under the sign of Libra, as this is the sign that Mercury is operating at during this retrograde motion. All three signs would fare best if monitoring financial decisions and getting second opinions before any major medical procedures during this time.
A good rule of thumb for all of us is to backup our smart phones and computers, making sure any letters going through the post office system are mailed early, making sure we check our voicmail and e-mail often, and making sure our words are not misconstrued at this time. Better yet, take a vow of silence for the next three weeks!
The energy of the sign of Libra is one of balance. Author and astrologist Judith Hill shares that “Libra is the halfway point in the seasonal cycle, symbolizing sutumn and sunset.” When looking at the natural life cycle calendar that many magical practitioners follow (as opposed to the commonly used calendar), we see that the season or time of Libra is in balance between the fruitful time of the Spring and Summer and the harvest time of the Fall and Winter. The perfectly balanced scales shows equality between “youth” and “aged”.
Libra represents an evenly balanced world and equality, but also perspective and introspection. During this time in Mercury, the planet of communication, you may want to ponder words that have been said but also revamping your vernacular style to fit your new ideas and growth that you have achieved this past year.
Burning candles for Peace in the Home, Wall of Protection, and a white offertory candle to your Ancestors (who have your back in more ways than one), are suggested for these three weeks. Let us be mindful and thankful we have made it through the year so far and that we will be experiencing the last Mercury Retorgrade before the Winter Holiday season. Consider making a small donation to a charity that works with those misunderstood or works for those who have been unjustly judged is a kind gesture during this time.
Mercury returns to forward motion on October 18, 2021 at 11:17 Eastern time.
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