Mercury turns Retrograde for its second of three blocks of time in 2013 on June 26, 2013. As Mercury, the planet of communication and the astrological sign of Gemini, the twins, takes this backwards march through out summer skies, it brings both the good and the ‘bad’ with it.
Some of the beneficial aspects of a Mercury Retrograde is that is is a good time to rest and reflect. Journal about where you want to be in three months or next year at this time. Curl up with inspirational reads or common sense books and consider their ideas that you read. Quiet your soul and listen.
Now for the ‘bad’ – computers may fail or frizzle out, e-mails go into cyber-Internet-space and snail mail is well…slower than usual. Be proactive and not reactive by paying your bills a day or two earlier, especially if you do electronic bill paying, and if using the postal service, make sure you hand-deliver them to the clerk. Your cell phones may have problems and other items of communication may suffer meltdowns.
On the personal front, from June 26th until July 20th, try not to discuss the “heavy” issues such as the path a relationship is going or signing divorce papers. This is also not the time to sign any contracts at all, or make any life-changing big ticket purchases or deals as you may not understand the ‘fine print’ and get wrapped up into something you cannot afford. It has been said that if you get cars repaired during a Mercury Retrograde, sometimes they have to be returned to the mechanic’s shop for a ‘re-do’ because of faulty work.
To prepare for a Mercury Retrograde, you should consider:
* Backing up your computer
* Steer clear of difficult people wo will not understand your words and twist everything you say to them into one nightmare pretzel that you will have to unravel.
* Finish craft projects and other things that have been left ‘hanging’ or that have been pushed to the ‘back burner’. This means lots of filing invoices and old bills for me!
* If you own a business, review your income and financial goals and readjust your end game goal for 2013. Set a new agenda to get you through until the end of the year.
* If you own a physical emporium, now is the time for a deep cleaning of all clutter and stacks of papers.
* If you are doing any magical work, make sure you word your petitions correctly and do not be hesitant in your candle burning spells. No ‘beating around the bush’ here – you have to have a clearly defined goal and make sure your heart is in it before beginning your candle spell.
* Rest and meditate. There is nothing wrong with doing or saying….nothing! Remember, your tongue can’t ‘dig your grave’ if it isn’t in use so keep certain comments and opinions to yourself and sit quietly and reflect on where you are in this point of your life and plan, plan, plan!
Our final Mercury Retrograde will occur October 21st through November 10th later this year 2013.
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