Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Cancer – with a Mercury Retrograde as Well!

The New Moon in Cancer occurs on July 18, 2012 at 11:25 p.m. E.S.T. The Moon in the zodiac sign of Cancer, the Crab, is considered the sign of the home and family.

In addition, this New Moon is working against the energies of two planets in retrograde, Uranus (in the astrological sign of Aries) and Mercury (in Leo), and things could take a turn to the internal as these two signs’ energies are pulling you inward to reduce rebellion and change and to reevaluate where you are spending your energies. The question that will be on many minds is if the efforts they are doing making a difference or not. Despite the traditional thought of initiating new and positive concepts during the time of the New Moon, with this Moon being in the zodiac sign of the hearth, home and nurturing, many might want to seek change beginning within their own families and household.

Burning candles during this New Moon in Cancer could include blue one anointed with Peaceful Home Oil, or Command and Compel or Helping Hand Oil. Using either of these last two oils on a Guardian Angel or Holy Spirit candle will greatly assist in bringing about your desired efforts for a comfortable and supportive family and home.

It has been a closely held belief for generations that burning a Money Drawing candle in the home would bring abundance and prosperity. You may want to consider starting a series of candles in the form of a candle vigil, to keep the positive energy flowing into your home. This book, “30 Days to Prosperity – A Candle Vigil Guide” by Rev. Jacqueline Mathers, will give you a daily walk through burning candles for money drawing properties with a daily message, a meditation and helpful information regarding building your Money Altar to burn candles on to increase your wealth and abundance.

The next Full Moon occurs on August 2, 2012.

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