Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Gemini – A Solar Eclipse to Harness the Power of Your Mind!

The New Moon in Gemini will occur at 6:48 p.m. E.S.T. on May 20, 2012. The Moon in Gemini is considered a “Mutable” Air Sign, which means that the energy fluctuates between passive and active and has an overall influence on matters of the mind and thinking.

When doing candle spell magic or setting lights during this New Moon time, it is best to consider all aspects of outcomes or the end results of matters. New Moon time is traditionally considered the time to burn candles to attract love, money, success and more. This time when the Moon is moving from its darkened to large, round size, is for utilizing your energies to manifesting things that are useful, helpful and needed for yourself and others, and to consider bringing someone new into your life if single.

This time is also effective for do calculations for future works, as for some belief systems, the Sun sign and the Moon sign, coupled with the actual day the lunation occurs, weigh heavy on the success of the outcome. Your mental powers of creativity are at their peak. This is also a time for troubled relationships to consider reconciliation.

Since the New Moon occurs on the same day as a Solar Eclipse, all matters of decision making will be of the focus for the next 6 months. Stop underestimating your value, worth and knowledge. This is a time to value shared information and keep pertinent things circulating. It is a good time to consider adopting the practices of meditation or reading materials with subjects about spirituality. Make it a simple routine even if it sitting in the back yard and watching a rose bloom or the bee harvesting nectar from a honeysuckle bush. Rest, reflect and dream your new path now.

Using “Crown of Success” Anointing Oil or Money Drawing Oil from Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply that has been placed on yellow and green candles, has allegedly assisted in bringing money and luck to the home.

The next Full Moon occurs on June 4, 2012.


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