Free Candle Spells | Vigil Service Feast of St. Expedite April 19th

Celebrate in the feast day of New Orleans’ favorite Patron Saint, Expedite on April 19, 2012. I will be setting up an altar devoted completely to him, with flowers, water and red candles beginning on Wednesday the 18th, as Wednesdays are considered his day to light petition candles. St. Expedito, as he is known in the Latino community, is well loved by those who need his assistance with problems that arise quickly and when emergency money is needed.


You can participate in this event by ordering a candle for your petition to St. Expedite, allegedly said to bring you “Fast Luck” and “things in a hurry”. Each vigil candle will be cleansed and blessed with St. Expedite Anointing Oil and placed with your petition under the candle. Each candle will remain until the end of the service, at which time a photo will be taken and sent to you. Your petitions will be burnt with frankincense and myrrh as a burnt offering to waft to the Heavens.

 We have stopped taking orders for this feast day candle vigil as of 6:20 pm pacific so we can set up the altar and prepare. Thank you for your interest. – J.


Each donation for a candle for St. Expedite is only $6.00 and once you order, you will be asked to create a petition that can be printed and placed under your candle. At this very special price, it would be a blessing for the whole family to have a candle burned in their behalf for blessings from this well loved Roman centurion and Saint.

Our next offering will be next April 19th.

To read more about the wondrous workings and traditional history of Saint Expedite, click here: St. Expedite/San Expedito Red Fast Luck Candle Spell




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