Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Virgo – and Mercury Retrograde as Well!


The Full Moon occurs at 4:39 a.m. E.S.T. on March 8, 2012 in the astrological sign of Virgo. The Full Moon is considered an optimum time to do candle burning and spells of a reversible and “driving off” nature. Any negativity that you have been encountering during the past few weeks could be considered the subject of some reversing candle spells at this time. It is best to use the “black on red” candles, not as commonly found in your local candle shop or botanica, as the general red-on-top-and-black-on-bottom kind. Theory behind this thought is that red is the color of power and energy; of life and positive forward movement. Black is the color of negativity. The question arises with the “red on top” reversible candles is this – why would you burn a power color before removing the negativity? It makes sense to burn off the negativity, thus burn the black candle part first, then brin in powerful fast luck energy with the red lower part of the reversible candle. Read more about this theory here:  Free Candle Spells/Reversible Candles.

This upcoming Full Moon will also be influenced by a Mercury Retrograde starting just a few days later (please read prior blog post), so plan for lots of things to happen for you. The zodiac sign of Virgo the Virgin, rules all matters pertaining to health and nutrition, the solar plexus and abdomen, and if you are inclined to seek further exploration, which astrological house both Virgo and Mercury lie in will also be affected. You can find this out by getting a free astrological chart done on you at

This particular Full Moon will have other planets affecting the national budget and health care, which trickles down to you. Health care concerns and nutritional issues may come to the forefront on your agenda as well as things that irritate the stomach and intestinal system. Make sure there is clear communication when talking with your Doctor about issues related to your health. Check instructions twice before proceeding.

The next New Moon occurs on March 22, 2012.

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