Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Capricorn – Time for Planning!

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The last New Moon of the year 2011 occurs on December 24, 2011 at 1:07 E.S.T. This Moon is in the astrological sign of Capricorn, the Goat and is considered to be a “Cardinal” earth sign. This means that this is the most materialistic of all zodiac signs and the energy of the Moon in Capricorn is energetic, practical and innovative.

The Moon in Capricorn brings new vitality and energy to your goals. You feel ambitious to turn over a new leaf with the coming of the new year. Establish your goals by creating a solid agenda that you can easily manipulate for a solid, concrete reality in 2012.

The Moon in Capricorn is an especially fortunate sign for casting candle spells for needed money and it may come for unexpected sources or in the form of surprises. In addition, this is the time to ask for any material necessities, especially if they have been needed for some time, as the Universe is more benevolent at during a New Moon in Capricorn.

Do not seek to harm anyone or light candles for revenge at this time, since the plane Saturn, which rules Capricorn, will protect the opposing party. This is especially true if the party you seek revenge upon is innocent, as the candle spell will backfire on you! Do not begin any candles of injustice or spreading mean and cruel accusations as drastic events may occur. Cast red candle spells for Fast Luck, green candle spells for Money Drawing and golden yellow candle spells for Success. Burn white candles anointed with Blessing Oil on Christmas Eve, to bring peace and goodness to the home.

The first Full Moon of 2012 occurs on January 9, 2012.

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