Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Gemini – A Lunar Eclipse as Well!


The Full Moon occurs at 9:38 am E.S.T. in the astrological sign of Gemini. In addition, this is a Lunar Eclipse, occurring in its entirety at about 8:00 am E.S.T., but West Coast residents can watch it as the sky will still be dark enough to view the eclipse in its glory at 6:05 am. In astrology, Solar and Lunar eclipses bring a certain meaning to the Moon’s lunar station, and this one is no different. It has been said that any new endeavors, contracts or matters decided upon and commenced within the week before any eclipse will rarely work out as planned. All matters taken on the week before an eclipse take on a greater importance. In this case with the lunar eclipse, and other planetary factors, read the fine print on all legal documents and papers that hold particular personal importance. Be wary of “Ponzi” and quick-rich type of schemes, as fraud with securities such as money may occur now. Pay attention to the details. Group activites or a vision of a ‘common whole’ for a group will not materialize, as everyone is running their own agenda and will approach decisions on an independent platform. If your birthday is on the eclipse, you may find a sudden rise to fame or importance.

Full Moon time is traditionally the time to do any banishing or reversible work, to send away or ‘return to sender’ any negativity that has come your way.This will be you last Full Moon of 2011 to do any reversible candle spell work, so consider cleansing yourself of anything being sent your way by sending it “back to its origins”.

The Moon in the zodiac sign of Gemini, is consdered a “Mutable Air sign, meaning that it fluctuates between activity and passivity in matters of the logical, iltellect and mind. This is a good time to do research on the properties of oils and herbs used in candle spells, using calculations for timing of lighting candle spells and for reading and learning. Burning a “Crowning Glory” or “Crown of Success” candle during this time is an old-tyme way to boost your learning and retention skills. Many root workers and magicians suggest to parents to burn this candle whiletheir child is studying or taking an important test for added blessings of success.

The next New Moon occurs on December 24, 2011 on Christmas Eve.


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