Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Taurus- May 3, 2011 |Practical Measures Insure Fiscal Security

The New Moon lunation occurs on Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at 1:51 am E.S.T. This moon, in the sign of of Taurus, is considered to be the most auspicious time to burn candles to attract luck, love and money to the home. Red candles for luck, green candles for prosperity, yellow candles for success and pink candles for romantic love are favored to be lit upon your altar for the week following the beginning of the New Moon. Since there are many graduations during the months of May and June, lighting golden yellow amber candles for the new graduates success, anointed with Crown of Success or Crowning Glory oils, insures their rise in their stature in life.


The New Moon in Taurus is considered stable, pratical and materialistic and a good time to light candle spells for protection at this time if you feel someone is plotting or sending neagativity your way. Those born under the astrological sign of Taurus can burn candles at this time for increased power and attracting luck. If a zodiac candle is not available, Taureans can burn a brown glass encased 7-day “novena” vigil candle dressed with Taurus Oil or a candle anointed with olive oil in which you have steeped herbs such as Apple Blossom, Cumin, Lovage or herbs of Venus, the planet that rules Taurus such as Sage, Alkanet, Rose Geranium, Goldenseal or Mint.


This Moon’s lunation calls for you to define praticality in your priorities and manage your resources to ensure security. It is time to review contracts to see if you need to scale down in order to conserve funds. Now that there is more daylight, consider dropping cable or scale back channels not viewed on a regular basis and enjoy activites such as gardening and cooking, two traits of those born under the sign of Taurus. Plant some vegetables such as tomatoes and zuchini so that you are not only eating organically and home-grown, but saving money as well.


The next Full Moon occurs on May 17, 2011.


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