New Moon in Sagittarius | December 5, 2010 – Get Close and Contemplate!

The New Moon in Sagittarius on Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 12:37 pm E.S.T. The energy of the Sagittarius Moon is considered to be a “Mutable” Fire sign, meaning that it is changeable, flexible and creative.

New Moon lunation cycles are considered auspicious for doing spell work and burning candles to bring in “good things” such as love ,money and success. The waxing, or growing (in size) Moon from nil to full circle, is correlated to ‘gathering’ or ‘increasing’ in Nature and therefore is believed to be working for the positive in all aspects. It is said that burning red candles anointed with “Fast Luck” Condition Oil, makes things that you want to happen come to you faster and green prosperity and money drawing candles, bring added money to the home.

The New Moon in Sagittarius is an excellent time to do spells for expansion and increase. It is also an optimum time for self-improvement and to consider setting goals for higher education and ideals at this time.

The New Moon in Sagittarius may see you as trying to attend as many functions for loved ones and close friends as you have never in year’s past, especially ones associated with the Holiday rituals and ceremonies that they bring. In addition, the planet of communication, Mercury, goes Retrograde on December 10th and will remain so until the end of the month, at which time you may find delays in checks and payments, computer mishaps and missed voice mail messages. Do not have any car repairs or sign any important papers or make life changing decisions during a Mercury Retrograde. To do so may bring in “re-dos” – a second car repair, a second signing of papers and an about change in decisions made at this time. Sit, rest and go inside yourself to contemplate before taking action.

There will also be a Lunar Eclipse on Dec. 21st on the day of the Full Moon, which will throw even more caution into the Universe about making any important, life-changing decisions on the “hold” list until the end of the month.

This lunation is geared towards retrospect and taking a step back to look at all the actors on stage in the theatre of your Life. When all is said and done, it is not wise to allow others to manipulate your actions and thoughts, as to do so can bring more confusion and disarray and lead to a loss of Personal Power. Listen to what others have to say, and tell then you will “get back to them on it”; giving yourself time to weigh all the factors of the proposal. If the ‘deal’ was good today and it was a legitimate offer, the ‘deal’ will be there tomorrow, too.

The next Full Moon will occur on December 21, 2010.

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