Thank you for writing your blog! I have recently found you and I am still new to this candle burning thing. I am in need of extra money for some upcoming bills. When would be the BEST time for me to burn candles for money? Which candles are best?
Many Thanks,
Thank you for your question and it is a coincidence it came on the New Moon.
The New Moon is considered by some as the best time to begin any candle work for bringing in – whether it is money, love or success. We just started the Prosperity Experiment yesterday and it is too bad you didn’t join in because the 30 day candle vigil is for bringing in money to you. Look for it at the beginning of the year again as I conduct this service twice a year.
Now to your question. Green candles, a visual reminder of green folding money or dollar bills, is the best to burn. You may boost the power of the green candle by burning a red candle next to it – anointed with “Fast Luck” Oil, too give it a little “nudge” in the right direction. Some, like myself, like to use Saint Jude candles. The green St. Jude candle is preferable over the white in cases of money – but – the old adage is when you do not have the right color of candle, you may use a white candle as a substitute. St. Jude, also known as San Judas Tadeo in the Latino community, is considered the Patron Saint of Impossible Causes – like ‘where am I going to get this money from to fix my brakes because I already got paid’, etc. You get the picture. this candle is used when all other conventional means of money gathering has been done – the savings accounts, the piggy bank – and you just need $300.00 for those brakes!
Another idea that was a hard lesson for me to learn is to GIVE TO GET. I am like you and like those numbers in the bank, but I was not sharing with my fellow Man in blessing them and making sure that continue Blessings would come to me. I would be fine for awhile, then get stingy all of a sudden; it is a natural tendency that when times are tough or you are having one of those “whammy” months – we all do – that you are more cautious with your money. this is when you need to Trust and give a few dollars to that guy on the corner with a sign – just enough for him to get a Value Meal, because for the sake of God or the roll of the dice, it could be YOU.
Hope this helps in clearing up some thoughts about green candles burned for money drawing and prosperity. Keep us informed on your best money drawing candle spell, ok?