Crown of Success Anointing and Condition Oil, sometimes known as “Crowning Glory” or “Crown of Glory”. is an old type Southern style hoodoo and root work oil that is used in conditions pertaining to job and employment success, scholastic success, and success in candle spell work when used with other oils.
You can anoint a yellow free standing or glass encased “novena” type vigil candle with Crown of Success oil before you study for an exam. You may snuff the candle out by extinguishing the candle with a candle snuffer or by pinching the flame out with a wet finger. Never blow out a candle that you will want to used in a continuing candle spell.
You may also use a yellow candle on top of a copy of an application, resume or business card of the person who received your resume or who will be your contact for an interview for a particular job position. To boost this effect, purchase a flexible book magnifier at your local pharmacy store (like Walgreen’s or CVS) and place it on top of resume or business card, and under the candle. This “magnifies” you and places you under the “lens” so that that can only see your qualifications, and not others who are vying for the job.
You may purchase Lucky Mojo Brand “Crown of Success” Anointing Oil at