The condition oil known for handling and influencing Court cases is aptly names “Court Case” Anointing Oil. This brown, musky scented oil is used on brown glass 7-day “novena” or “vigil” candles and burned on top of copies of Court documents to influence the decision of the Judge and all those involved to hear the pleas of the one for whom the candles are being burned – either for the good of the other or to lessen the charges brought against them.
This oil can also be used on a brown “Indian Spirit” or “Indian Tobacco” candle to bring around the true perpetrators if the one that is accused is truly innocent.
You can boost the influencing aspects of the Court Case Oil by mixing in grated Little John to Chew, a root deemed potent to sway influence in Court, or by using oil that has had Little John to Chew steeping in it.
You can buy “Court Case” oil at