Faith and Intention in Your Candle Burning Spells



It has occurred to me that lately I have had many, many letters regarding the time of waiting during the candle burning for candle spell work. I am not sure if it is just a sign of the times, but I thought I should reiterate and explain time and intention when setting lights for a particular candle spell. Perhaps I can address everyone’s  concerns in this manner and also alleviate many others’ potential thoughts as well.

First, we should address whether the candle spell is warranted or not. Burning a candle because your sister-in-law is a female dog and acts like a floozy or your neighbor parks his car in your parking space in the apartment complex is not a reason for ‘setting lights’ or burning a candle on their name on a petition paper.

Save your energy and let the sister-in-law be and talk to the manager about your parking space. Real, successful candle burning spell magic is about activating changes in your life and the lives of others. It is about harnessing that energy of that pain, hurt and anger and channeling or infusing the candle, oil, herbs, sachets and any other item used in the candle spell to charge those items.

Now, I am not excusing bad behavior from next door neighbors, boyfriends and the receptionist at your job – we need to call a duck a duck – but it is more that you want to have an ‘incident’ happen to them so that they will ‘wake up and get a clue’, so to speak. Of course, I will always stand by doing the ‘right’ thing, like addressing loud music at all hours of the night with management or the police and those ‘Oopsie’ missed messages that you were waiting to be delivered from Miss I -Have-No-Brain-Between-My-Ears-or-Do-I? at the front desk. Always, ALWAYS go through the correct channels, however P.C. they are, then do your candle work after the proper authorities were notified.

So, with all this, how do we get ‘in the mood’ to energize our candles correctly for a successful outcome? First, take a long bath, if needed. Get the grime of the office, kids, traffic, BILLS, off your mind, chest, back and head. Soak in Epsom Salts, two cups is recommended, and lie there until the water gets COLD. Then, dress comfortably in loose clothing and set all your items, tools and oils out on your table. Sit and just open a bottle of condition oil you will use and BREATHE DEEPLY in the essential oils that will be the catalyst to your intended outcome. Carve initials in the candles, make well holes in the candle for oil to be held, write petition papers, including names, telephone numbers – WHATEVER you need to identify the ‘intended victim’ in the candle spell. Take your time in creating a candle spell, all good things take time to stew, mingle, adhere and coagulate.

Oil your candles, gripping them tightly while chanting or stating your intention to them. If they are “taper” or “free standing” type of candles, roll them in sachet powder, herbs or whatever you want to ‘kick it up a notch’ for a successful candle burn. If they are the 7-day “Novena type” vigil candles in glass, anoint the top wax area. Set your flameproof dish or saucer, place all the necessary petition papers, personal items or business cards under the candle and light with INTENTION (i.e. “I, Olive Olivia Oyl, light this candle with the intention that Popeye will stop sailing the ocean blue and settle down with me and Sweet Pea.”). NOTE: You must, absolutely MUST, state your intention like you ARE 100% CONFIDENT that it will work, NO DOUBTING ALLOWED, even if you are scared of the outcome. Do not, ahem, DO NOT EVER light your candles with a ‘I hope someday my Prince will come’ etc., as the words ‘I hope’ will negate any positive, forward movement to your goal as it introduces DOUBT. You MUST say, ‘I know without a shadow of a doubt that Popeye will stops sailing and settle down with me, Olive Olivia Oyl, and our little Sweet Pea.’. See what I mean?

Another subject I wanted to touch base on is about time. It took time to get you (or them) into THAT position or situation – why wouldn’t it need time to get them out of it? Occasionally, less often than not, the results are immediate. I mean, WHAM! immediate – but this is not the general case. It is more common that you will need to burn more than one candle and wait for results to happen. This is ESPECIALLY important in matters of love – it took you time to become a couple, get hitched, jump into bed – it is going to take some time to get you back where the fight, argument, break up began. Common questions to be answered are things like how long has it been since you have last seen them? Have you tried making contact since the big blow out? Is there someone else in the picture? There are a lot of things to consider when working candle spell magic for love.  My best advice: Be Patient and if they are meant to be with you, they will be.

If you follow these steps and  slow down, focus, fine tune and also give proper ‘notice’ (by going through non-candle spell magic means), you can create a great candle spell that will amaze you in its’ completed time.


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