Full Moon in Leo | February 9. 2009 – Learning Begins On Various Levels


The Full Moon in Leo occurs at 9:50 am E.S.T. on Monday, February 9, 2009. This lunation, activated by the Lunar Eclipse occurring on the same day, activates a 6 month period of learning on various levels. In the next 6 months, expect to begin to understand what is really going on in your life and the world. This is the time for deeper examination of your surroundings and the knowledge  to which you have already have been exposed. Keep a grip on spending, as you might fall under the spell of a rather large, gilded item that you might not really need or want, once Leo’s influence has passed. Remember, the ‘King’ likes luxe!

The Moon in Leo is “fixed”, meaning it is aggressive, stable, unchangeable and creative. This is the time that you pull out all the stops for building an altar to send away anything in a grand fashion. The Full Moon is the time to banish, send away, send off and cast off anything that is creating negativity in your life – including bills, debt, nosy or jealous neighbors or friends, and bad lovers! The Full Moon in Leo gives them to boot with flair and style – the middle of the restaurant wine-tossed-in-the-face, sending in that final payment for something with a big ‘FINAL PAYMENT’ across the envelope, or maybe just plain ol’ yelling out the window ‘See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya’ when the resident next door is moving out. If you find yourself feeling like committing one of these behaviors – DON’T!

This is also the time to break down your altars, cleaning them up and washing them down. It is also a time to get a piece of fabric and create a new altar cloth – maybe with some rhinestones or sequins, as you know Leos love to shine! Polish up those brass candlesticks and mirrors, too!

Towards the end of the lunation, light a gold candle in the center of your home, not only to activate the Feng Shui area for health but to also bring a little ‘golden light’ to an otherwise gloomy February winter day.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ Prosperity is Mine in 2009! $ $ $ $ $ $ $

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