Free Candle Spells | Religious Candles – Good, but the Color of the Candle is Most Important







When considering candles to use for your spiritual purposes, sometimes people get confused on the kind of candles to use.  I would have to say that a great number of spiritual workers, root workers, conjurers and others use what is commonly known as the “7 – Day Novena Glass Candle” (see photo). These can be obtained just about everywhere and I encourage my own clients to seek them out at Walgreen’s or WalMart. Of course, when it is a specific candle, such as a reversible or black candle, then if no other spiritual supply store or candle shop can supply them, I certainly will send them to the client.

More importantly than which Saint is on the outside of the candle is the color of the wax of the candle. Yes, you might think, ‘Well,  I wouldn’t think my love life is So impossible that I have to petition Saint Jude, Patron Saint of Impossible Causes.’  It isn’t really so much the Saint, but the candle color. What is the person is not Catholic? Doesn’t know or feels uncomfortable about praying to a Saint? It is the PINK that matters in love candle magic spell work, not the photo on the front.

However, there are those of us who DO believe in the Powers of the Saints and rely on them to act as intercessors for us. That is fine as well. Remember, even above all, that a long time ago, there were NO colors of candles, except the creamy yellow of mutton tallow that was the source of candles before petroleum that was converted into paraffin.

Please refer to the category on the right regarding candles and the meaning of their colors for further investigation.



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