Readers Questions | Triangle Placement of Candles in Candle Spell








Bernadette’s questions sparks more questions about placing candles in a triangle…

Hi Jacqueline,

I have a question about the advice you gave to Bernadette in the work she was going to land a Nursing Assistant’s position. I was wondering about this part:

“place the anointed Road Opener Candle at the “12 o’clock”
position, the anointed Boss Fix Candle in the “four o’clock” position
and the anointed Crown of Success Candle in the “eight o’clock”

I’ve heard of other rootworkers using the triangular shape in spells, but do you know why it is a significant figure? Also, why does each candle get placed at that particular point ie: Road Opener at the 12 o’clock position, etc?

Thank you for your help.

The post that Denise is referring to is regarding Bernadette, who wants to obtain a position in nursing by the 30th of this month. I gave her a specially designed candle spell that she could use. Denise pondered my reasons and asked about my choices in the candle placement. Go pack a couple of pages and you will find Bernadette’s letter.

I chose to place the “Open My Roads” Candle at the 12 o’clock position because the first thing that you want to do is break open any possible roadblocks that Bernadette might have. When looking at this candle configuration, imagine a clock face over it. Twelve o’clock is at the top and is the time when the day change – Sunday changes into Monday, Monday to Tuesday, etc. It is considered in some beliefs when Spirits are out. It is also a “new beginning”, like 12:01 am, a “new day”, and the earliest point on the clock where the “new day” is located.

The Boss Fix Candle is at 4 o’clock, as this would be the farthest right hand corner of a triangle if you were to imagine a triangle laying over a clock face in front of you. I also chose that she address the “Boss”, literal or figuratively, convincing “him” that she is the right person for the job.





The Crown of Success candle at the eight o’clock position, or the farthest left hand point of the triangle on a clock face (imagined), is the success that she will achieve AFTER convincing the “Boss” that she is the one right for the job. IN addition, some like to use the “UP” motion of the clock’s hands, meaning from 6:30 to 12:00 for “bringing” or “receiving”. This is why in some spells it tells you to light your candles ONLY DURING the upward movement of the clock’s hands -6:30 am to 12:00 noon OR 6:30 pm to 12:00 midnight.

Three is also a magic number in candle spells, along with 7, 13 and 21. Three symbolizes the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, Holy Ghost. It is a number associated with Ellegua, Elegua, Legba and Exu/Esu – all avatars or gods in the Caribbean/South American indigenous religions.

Seven is the number most associated with the Virgin Mary – in all of her avatars. It also is the number of the days in a week and the major oceans of the Earth.

Twelve is associated with the number the days are long, and of how many hours of night that we have. There are twelve Apostles and twelve months.

Twenty one is associated with Ellegua, Elegua, Legba, Exu/Esu as the number of paths or “caminos” that he “owns”.

Thank you for some good questions Denise, I hope this answered them for you.


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