Prosperity Experiment – Our Beginnings and Blessings | Week One


For those who are following the progress of our Prosperity Experiment participants, let me tell you, for some of them, things came suddenly and surprisingly!

One participant, known as P., told us of her first day encounter with a person who had hired her in a past job to be the one who eliminated unproductive employees. This boss eventually fired her! She had he moment of clarity when she visited a retail outlet and saw him behind the counter! WOW! Her “reward”, if you could really call it that, was a sincere apology for the way he treated her and he asked for forgiveness. What a time to become human and forgive someone else’s transgressions against you and honor your spirituality.

We also have a prayer going out for a little soul that is in a coma, a child of a participant who was sponsored by another participant. We are keeping the baby in our thoughts for a good outcome.

More to come…

Prosperity Experiment 2008

Prosperity Experiment 2008

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