Free Candle Spells | Money Drawing Prosperity Rituals for Everyday Use



Let’s face it, we need money to exist in this world. Money is the tangible representation of energy – how much energy that you put out in physical form to be of “value” to someone who judges that.

In the Old Testament days, there was not money as we know it today, but more like a bartering system that each participant deems a value on what he possessed – whether it be a flock of lambs or bushels of wheat. each participant would meet at a certain location, called a market or the temple area of the nearest town. There the people would trade their items for other things needed from others. There were some coins of gold and silver that were rather misshapen and crude in form in existence, but for the common man, trade was the best route to getting things to others and gaining their items needed.

In today’s world, there are things that can bring a continuous flow of money into your hands. First, you must give to get. Yep. Find charities that are near and dear to you and give in small but frequent amounts and soon you will see the cash flow coming in. You may tithe to a church, but it is also in the giving of other good works that will also give back to you. I give to one local charity that feeds the homeless and gives them just barely enough for a person to be dignified (soap, toothbrushes, etc.) I send in a check, but before I do I pray over that check that my small amount be coupled with others’ small amounts and we make a mighty difference in the community. I give thanks that I always have food in my cabinet and a roof over my head and that if everyone in my town could give the amount of a latte or a value meal, no one could go hungry. I do have a church that I give to, although I do not attend. It is the church of Reverend Ike of the United Christian Evangelistic Association. He has sent many mailings to me that touched my situation at the time and it is eerily true that when I send in a donation, I get so busy I can’t keep up!

Making sure you “mark” your money with money drawing sigils to hunt down more money and bring it back to you. Anointing your $5, $10 and $20 dollar bills with any of the money/prosperity/wealth drawing oils will extend your drawing enhancements. Visit my other site, tarot by for more information.

Burning green St. Jude, Bayberry or plain green candles dressed with any of the money drawing oils with your deposit slip from your bank underneath the candle will assist in finding more money for your household.

Make sure that when you receive your paycheck or stipend, that you sit for a moment in gratitude for receiving it and that you pray that the power of discernment will enlighten you to spend your money wisely and to make it last until your next paycheck. There are many frivolous things that are attractive and fun in the world, but the thought that not all may be good for us and may do us more harm than good. Home cooked meals with healthy, nourishing foods will not only be good for your body but your wallet as well! Not that going to a nice restaurant is not to be considered, but we rush around busy with life, then pull into the first fast food joint we see because we are famished. We fill up with too much fats and salt, then wonder why we feel so sluggish. These conveniences are not only bad for our checkbook but for our bodies as well!



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