Free Candle Spells | St. Joseph/ Saint Joseph – San Jose Feast Day Celebration – March 19

St. Joseph is the patron Saint for Fathers, Carpenters and the Heads of Households

In the Catholic tradition, the stepfather of Jesus Christ was St. Joseph, a gentle man who loved Mary, and was honorably chosen to become Mary’s husband and the future father figure of the Son of God. Joseph heard the duty he was called to do to protect the status of Mary, child of St. Anne and St. Joachim, who was chosen by God to be free from sin and to carry the Christ child.

St. Joseph is a traditional Saint of honor in many Italian (Sicilian) and French homes. In Cajun country Louisiana, there is even a festival night in summer called St. Joseph’s Night. Read about St. Joseph’s Night in New Orleans here:

There are traditional foods served on March 19th, the Catholic Feast Day of St. Joseph. After attending Mass on that day, many people set up altars in honor of St. Joseph, to sup on minestrone soup (without meat) and to bless all who visit and all who leave small donations of money, which are to be distributed to the needy. St. Joseph was a giving soul and it is traditional to give to those less fortunate. Many have set up plans to have these altars and open their doors to the public.


Read about altars to St. Joseph in Louisiana:

A Prayer to Saint Joseph for Workers:

O Glorious St. Joseph, a model for all those who labor, obtain for me the Grace to work conscientiously, placing love of Duty before frivolous inclinations; to gratefully work to develop the gifts received from God, to work methodically, peacefully, in moderation and patience. Let me not shrink from difficult work for it is through struggle that my unused talents are developed. Let me do my tasks well, with my best efforts, and permit me not to be vain in my success. To imitate Thee shall be my desire for life and eternity. Amen.

Saint Joseph was a just man, a tireless worker, the upright guardian of those entrusted to his care. May he always guard, protect and enlighten families. – Pope John Paul II


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