Free Candle Spells | Love Candle Spell Using Tea Lights

Love Spell by Leslie

  • 1 red color crayon
  • 1 piece of paper
  • 1 scissors
  • 1 mid size mirror (big enough see your face and head in it).
  • 4 tea light candles

Draw and cut out a heart shape. Scribble with all of your feelings into the paper heart. While you color think about dissolving all the anger around you.

Also see yourself overcoming any personal obstacle in life. Imagine the problems you might be having in life dissolving and never again returning to you.

When you feel that there is not any more paper showing through on the paper heart, write your name and your desired outcome to be on the back of the heart.

Place the heart colored side up on the mirror in the center. Light the candles and say a small prayer to those around you that are needing to better understand you and your needs to be set free from their anger.

Light the North candle first, then the east, south, and west. Call upon Spirit (whom ever you worship in life). Allow the candles to continue to burn until they go out. Know that once the candles are done burning the spell has been completed.

Many Blessings,

Leslie is a member of a group that posted this spell on it. I thought that the “hands on” working definitely would help heal a heart. I asked her permission to post this and she gave me her blessing. Leslie lives in Denver, Colorado with her family and two cats. She is very active with many outdoor sports and says that by doing so, it keeps her connected and ‘Nothing is better to me then being outdoors and being able to connect with Spirit through deep forms of meditation.’ Thank you , Leslie and ski for me! (For me, snow is nice to look at but too cold for me!) 🙂

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