Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Poppy Seeds in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells

Poppy Seeds, harvested from the Opium Poppy flower, is a secret ingredient in Court Case candle spell work to cause confusion in court hearings and make the opposing lawyers or attorneys to appear confused in from of the Judge. It is also a little known ingredient in heavy love spell work, when you want someone to fall “head over heels” in love with someone or to appear “drunk in love”.

When burning brown candles for court case spell work, use two candles for the opposing party, one brown candle named for the lawyer of the opposing party and one for the person being represented. If there is no lawyer as in the opposing party is representing themselves, them use one brown candle dressed with Inflammatory Confusion Oil and sprinkled with Poppy Seeds. Do NOT use Poppy Seeds on the candles used to represent yourself and your attorney (if you have one) or the Judge (unless you are mad at the Judge’s prior decision), however, this would not be a wise move. Use Court Case Anointing Oil on candles you burn to aid yourself and your defense. Look at the Court Case Candle Spell blog post, “Readers Questions | How to Do a Court Case Spell”.

When using Poppy Seeds in love candle spells, sprinkle the seeds in the top of the glass encased 7-day “Novena” or “Vigil” candle of the person you want to be “drunk in love” with you. To enhance the spell, place a photo of them on one candle and a photo of you on another and place a magnifying glass between the two photos (turn candles so each photo faces each other). This way, your love intention is ‘dizzy’ in love with you and his eyes can only see you, since you are ‘magnified’ and in focus, as he sees it.

Read about all 12 common kitchen spices used in hoodoo, conjure and candle magic here, “Kitchen Hoodoo | 12 Spices and Herbs for Hoodoo Magic Spells”


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