Kitchen Hoodoo | Using Rosemary in Hoodoo, Conjure and Candle Spells

ROSEMARY, a fragrant woody plant that grows along the Mediterrean coastline, is a staple in Italian and Greek cooking. Little did they know how important an herb is for family magic!

Rosmarrinus officinalis, as ROSEMARY is known in botanical terms, is considered a woman’s empowerment herb. Not to say that women can become a brute, but can rule with a ‘firm, but gentle hand’ in matters of the family. It is reputed that if a ROSEMARY bush is planted near the front door of a home, the woman has the “last say” on what goes on with the family. It is also believed that ROSEMARY will ward off evil persons who approach the doorstep and deflect any evil intentions directed towards family members. This belief is so widely held that many carry a sprig of ROSEMARY in a muslin bag inside their clothing or snip a small branch to place over their door on the inside of the home.

ROSEMARY is one of the oils used in Peaceful Home Anointing Oil. You may use this on a blue candle to keep peace in the home. It was once used in Victorian bridal bouquets to insure fidelity between partners and is sometimes used in a flannel bag placed in pillowcases and under mattresses to keep a man and woman faithful to each other.

You can boil a handful of ROSEMARY, HYSSOP, and EPSOM SALTS to pour into a bath to soak off any negative feelings after a fight with your spouse. It will bring calm and peace to the home.

Order your Peaceful Home Anointing and Condition Oil from Lucky 13 Clover Spiritual Supply.


Read about all 12 common kitchen spices used in hoodoo, conjure and candle magic here, “Kitchen Hoodoo | 12 Spices and Herbs for Hoodoo Magic Spells”

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