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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Three Kings Day... Free Candle Spells | Three Kings Day     Three Kings Day – January 6th A tradition was to take the first Christmas card is received that season which had the image of the Three Kings and tape it above the inside horizontal lintel of the front door. Another variation is to tape it over the front door on the inside. These rituals are meant to remind the household to gladly welcome everyone who comes to your door and to eagerly seek out Christ every time you leave home. Another belief is that the household will receive prosperity and abundance in the year following. This is to be repeated each year. Often related to these blessings is...
  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Libra – March 29, 2010 – Harsh Reality Sets In!... The Full Moon in Libra will occur at 10:25 pm E.S.T. on Monday, March 29, 2010. The Moon in Libra is considered a “Cardinal” Air Sign, and the energy is intellectual and innovative. During this Moon’s lunation, look for the harsh reality of the situation to come to light. You have signed up for the long haul and it isn’t looking pretty. There is an air of brutality and coldheartedness in the air. Be humble and listen to those quivering solar plexus muscles and act on those instincts. This is the time to burn reversible or releasing candles to rid yourself of funky negativity (and this time there is...
  • Readers Questions | What Do I Do When the Candle Goes Out?...                 Readers, this is the continuation of an e-mail with questions from a reader that I felt were good to answer in blog posts. You may find a friend or even yourself experiencing some of the same things as our reader who writes: Reader: I was reading the instructions that were enclosed with the oil and powder sachets. It said that IF a candle went out do not re-light it due to negative forces. Jacqueline:>>>>>Yes. Throw candle away and start over. You either didn’t do it right or the thing that you are trying to change is too big and strong and...
  • New Moon in Sagittarius | December 16, 2009 – Inspiration and Optimism!... New Moon in Sagittarius | December 16, 2009 – Inspiration and Optimism! The New Moon in Sagittarius will occur at 7:02 am E.S.T. on Wednesday, December 16, 2009. The energy of Sagittarius is considered to be a “Mutable” fire sign. It is creative and aggressive and fluctuates between optimism and pessimism. This New Moon bodes that the holidays are bringing optimism, hope and inspiration. Use this energy to advance your fondest wishes and dreams! The New Moon is the perfect time for increase and positive outcomes, so let’s hear it for more money, more love and more happiness! This is the time for increase, expansion, accomplishments and self-improvement. If you are seeking a ‘new you’, burn red candles with “Look Me...
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New Moon in Pisces | February 24, 2009 – Perserverance and Resolve

The New Moon in Pisces occurs at 8:35 pm E.S.T. (5:35 pm pacific) on Tuesday, February 24, 2009. The Moon in Pisces is in a “Mutable” water sign, which means it is erratic, deceptive, and highly emotional. This lunation will accent your resolve and perseverance through a project that you are working on, or a problem you are attempting to clear up. Watch your words as they can easily be misconstrued and tempers can flare up easily at this time. Frustrations in appointments and disappointments in love with the regards to ‘soul mates’ will occur. Now is the time to burn purple candles for power and psychic clarity; and to bolster and enhance both. It is an ideal time to begin candle spells to throw an enemy off track or to cause confusion. Make sure you put some poppy seeds in the mix when doing this. Poppy seeds will ‘disorient’ them and make them appear confused when going about their day. Towards the end of this cycle, light blue candles for yourself for rest and solitude as a day of contemplation and a blank page in a journal can be the launching pad for new projects this year. Contact Jacqueline at...

Readers Questions | Drawing Us Closer Love Candle Spell

Readers Questions | Drawing Us Closer Love Candle Spell Rene asks about love candle spells: Hi Jacqueline, I’ve been perusing your website. Do you have a love candle spell I can burn for me and my mate to bring us close? After reading the Saint Jude Love Spell, I’m not certain this is the one I should use. Looking forward to your response. Rene You may be right on this one, Rene, depending on the severity of space between the two of you. Saint Jude is considered the Saint of Impossible Cases, like if uncontrollable events were keeping the two of you apart. If it is just that the two of you are in contact with each other on a regular basis, but you are desiring something more (commitment, more time, quality of time together), then other candle spells will do. Here’s one you can try: INGREDIENTS: 2 – Pink (or White, in a pinch) 7 -day glass Novena-type candles (demonstrated with yellow candles for ease of contrast in photos) 1 bottle of Come to Me or Come Closer Oil Photo of each of you (not together) OR 2 slips of white paper with the full name of each of you written on it and taped to base of candle. Red String (about 24 inches) Clean candles with lemon juice (see category to right on Proper Candle Preparation). Set aside to dry. Tape single photo to each of candle at base of candle or tape name paper in same area (see photo). Set candles on two saucers to catch any drips of wax (if any) and to protect you from fire hazard. Tie red string around YOUR candle and knot it around one candle, leaving long length of red string on one end. (see photo above). Pour a small amount (about 7 drops) of oil in each of the candles. Candles will be placed with some space in between them, you will be moving them closer to each other each day. Loosely loop long end of red string around base of other candle, but NOT TYING in a knot but a loop (see photo). You will need to ‘cinch’ up the slack in the string daily as you move (see photos). Each day, either morning or night, untie the bow and move candle with saucer a bit closer, praying/saying “As I move this candle that represents you my love, you are coming closer to me day by day, until you and I stand side by side.” You may want to change some of the wording to personalize your intentions. As you move THEIR candle closer, re-tie the red string into a bow, making the string somewhat taut, as if you are ‘ropin’ them in’ (pardon the pun) 🙂 Repeat if necessary, replacing candles when needed, until desired effects occur. When you repeat the spell, begin again with the candles far apart, moving them closer every day.    ...

Readers Questions | What Does “Popping” Noises Mean in Candleburning?

A reader asks about the noises candle make while burning. What does it mean when a candle is melting very quick and there is a lot of popping noises? I had a candle (that would normally melt in 3 hours) melted in 40 minutes. Also at the end, there were popping noises and a “big bang” occurred. The flame just exploded and some parts just flew off around the altar. This happened on the honey jar lid. Thanks Michael Michael, your timing was exquisite since I had another ask the very same thing!  🙂 In your situation that you described, you have not one but two things happening – a ‘quick burn’ and ‘candles talking’ . You candle that should have taken 3 hours burns in 40 minutes, that means that the intensity of the emotions in regards to the honey jars are intense – you are VERY focused on your end result – the love of the person (or thing) in the honey jar (honey jars can be used for love but also for a job or money). I would consider this that your end result will come fast. The ‘explosion’ and ‘popping’ noises at the end of the candle burn, given that we are ruling out the physical reason of sizzling oil by products (think of the sizzling of sausages or bacon, as result of excess oil in the pan), and if there was not a lot of oil on the top of the lid, I would consider it a sign of the Spirit of the Intention of the Candle ‘arguing’ with the recipient – as if the one in the honey jar was resisting. The ‘explosion’ would be that your candle ‘broke through’ the barrier to this endeavor or person. I would think that you might have ‘gotten through’ to this person. All in all, I would consider it a very positive sign. Keep us posted on how long this end result comes about!...

Full Moon in Leo | February 9. 2009 – Learning Begins On Various Levels

The Full Moon in Leo occurs at 9:50 am E.S.T. on Monday, February 9, 2009. This lunation, activated by the Lunar Eclipse occurring on the same day, activates a 6 month period of learning on various levels. In the next 6 months, expect to begin to understand what is really going on in your life and the world. This is the time for deeper examination of your surroundings and the knowledge  to which you have already have been exposed. Keep a grip on spending, as you might fall under the spell of a rather large, gilded item that you might not really need or want, once Leo’s influence has passed. Remember, the ‘King’ likes luxe! The Moon in Leo is “fixed”, meaning it is aggressive, stable, unchangeable and creative. This is the time that you pull out all the stops for building an altar to send away anything in a grand fashion. The Full Moon is the time to banish, send away, send off and cast off anything that is creating negativity in your life – including bills, debt, nosy or jealous neighbors or friends, and bad lovers! The Full Moon in Leo gives them to boot with flair and style – the middle of the restaurant wine-tossed-in-the-face, sending in that final payment for something with a big ‘FINAL PAYMENT’ across the envelope, or maybe just plain ol’ yelling out the window ‘See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya’ when the resident next door is moving out. If you find yourself feeling like committing one of these behaviors – DON’T! This is also the time to break down your altars, cleaning them up and washing them down. It is also a time to get a piece of fabric and create a new altar cloth – maybe with some rhinestones or sequins, as you know Leos love to shine! Polish up those brass candlesticks and mirrors, too! Towards the end of the lunation, light a gold candle in the center of your home, not only to activate the Feng Shui area for health but to also bring a little ‘golden light’ to an otherwise gloomy February winter day. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Prosperity is Mine in 2009! $ $ $ $ $ $...

Readers Questions | Can We Undo A Binding Candle Spell?

Here is reader with a potentially serious problem regarding a binding spell. Jacqueline, My boyfriend and I are concerned because we believe we may have subconsciously performed a candle spell. We have consulted someone for the meaning for what we have done but just want to be sure of the answers. Here is the basic problem. We are both natural witches…although up till now we have not done any formal training to define and learn about our abilities and such. We are both in the process of divorcing our previous spouses. He met the woman he married in Jr High while he was still dating me. He fell hard for her and he and I lost contact until recently. I am well aware that he is still very much in-love with his x-wife to be. The other night he pulled out his spirit board because he felt compelled to use it. Before actually using the board he set up a series of candles. He set them in the shape of a pentagram…3 short red candles in glass jars. One large purple candle in a glass jar and one large light pink pillar candle. He lit all of them. He needed to thin the wax from one of the red candles and poured the melted red wax into the pink candle. Later in the night when we were done with the board I poured the wax from the same red candle into the pink…again to thin the wax around the wick. When he stared to do it I told him not too but did not think before I did it myself. After consulting a friend who knows more then we do about these things we are not sure if we have now cast a binding or love spell or not. We do know that at the time he had both myself and his x-wife to be on his mind and I had him only on my mind. We are concerned that either he may have bound himself to her and I both while I bound myself to him…or that we have just performed some sort of spell that binds us to each other. The info that we were given is that we have basically just bound each other and that the old relationship will die away because of the timing of the spell…just a few days before the new moon…we did this on Thursday, January 22 2009. I am asking for a definition and explanation for what we have done. I would also like to know the harm and benefits of what we have done. Also if you could tell me what we need to do now that would help. No matter what it is that we have done we both agree that if there is any safe way to undo it we would like to. We love each other a great deal but if there is a way we want to let fate take its course and not meddle in anyway. Please help us if you can. Thank you Sabrina I had asked for a bit more clarification and this is the second post I received: Jacqueline Well my main concern is simple. I know that we have performed a binding spell of some sort I just don’t know what exactly we did. He poured the wax from the red candle into the pink…then later I did the same. He was thinking of me and his ex which he still loves. What did we do and can we undo it? Sabrina First, Sabrina, I would like to apologize for the time you waited for this answer. I had a...

Readers Questions | Reversible Candle Has Black Smoke – Should I Worry?

A reader, Josie, commented on posts, but I thought I would make it a full blown blog post as she brings up some concerns that others might be having as well. Josie says: I’m too a little confused about the right candles to buy. but I try to do my best. My reversible candles have a real big flame, and throws black smoke. Should I worry? Smoke and Flame Divination is part of candle burning. The antics of the flame and the intensity of the smoke is a good indicator of how your candle burning spell is going. For instance, you say that your flame is real big, that is good, but there are other factors to consider. Is the flame wavering back and forth? At what speed (fast or slow) is the waving? If your flame is wavering slowly, this is the most auspicious flame to have during a candle spell. It is steady and unrelenting; a champion in your service and that you should consider it a positive sign that things are going in your favor. If the flame was waving back and forth wildly, I would consider that it was in ‘active battle’ with the forces against you but its height indicates that it is like a huge Guardian Angel doing battle for you. If the flame is low, like it is almost going to go out, them it could mean two things. First, let’s take care of the physical; maybe you have too much oil in the candle. That is not a spiritual based answer, but sometimes it is true physics; you are ‘drowning’ the candle. If this is not the case (and you can tell by looking in the ‘well’ were to liquid wax and oil mingle), then the low flame means that the low flame is working against some heavy negativity and you can ‘help’ the other candle out by anointing a second white 7 day novena type candle in glass with some Blessing Oil or Protection Oil. You will find that shortly after yo do so, the first candle will gain in strength and height, ready to ‘get to work’ for you. In regards to smoke, again we have to rule out the physical – how much oil is in that ‘well’ of wax in the center of the candle? If you didn’t put too much oil in the candle, AND that the wick did not move over to the side of the candle glass, then you are burning off negativity. Just open a window for a little ventilation and say a prayer over the candle, asking that it is fearless in the face of negativity and to send all evil intentions back to where it came from. NOTE: This is a good time to bring up Candle Burning Safety. Please always make sure nothing is hanging over the altar or candle while it is burning. I have seen flames as large as 6 inches from the melted wax, and this can become a fire hazard. Also, go to the dollar store and buy some cereal bowls or large saucers to set your candles on while you burn them. True story. Two weeks ago, I was burning the last of the Prosperity Experiment clients’ candles and they had been lit for a few days. On the second to the last morning of the candle spell, I was upstairs typing just like I am now, and I got a strong whiff of burnt candle wax. I stopped typing and said to myself  ‘I hope the candle glass doesn’t break’  then POP – the glass candle downstairs HAD cracked. I heard it and ran...

New Moon in Aquarius | January 26, 2009 – The Eclipse brings Revolution!

The New Moon in Aquarius begins at 2:56 E.S.T. (10:56 P.S.T. on 01/25/09) and will be under the solar eclipse located a 6 degrees in Aquarius. This New Moon will usher in inoovation in technology, altruism in the common good of man, equality and objectivity, plus some unexpected surprises at the end of the month!  In addition, the planet Uranus, which rule Aquarius, is erratic and you might find that your daily life has become one big roller coaster ride during the first few days of February! The New Moon in Aquarius is a good time to burn candles for bringing in anything “new” and “different”. Aquarius is a “Fixed” Air sign, which denotes that it is concerned with mental and intellectual stability. Aquarius is stable and unchangeable. This is an ideal time to initiate any new, revolutionary ideas and works that are innovative. Calculate precisely your intentions, as burning candles to bring these into fruition will have long lasting effects. Make sure you have the stamina to see these works from dream to reality. This is an excellent time to working out the exact time parameters to your candle spells. The more of a scientific approach to exacting the timing of your spell will have longer lasting and dramatic results. The New Moon in Aquarius is also a good time to light purple candles to enhance your E.S.P. abilities and your psychic talents....

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