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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Virgo – Emotions, emotions!...   The Full Moon in Virgo occurs on February 25, 2013 at 3:26 pm E.S.T. The Moon in Virgo exhibits the energy of a “Mutable” Earth sign, meaning that it fluctuates between active and passive and is protective and materialistic. The Full Moon lunation time is traditionally held as a time to “banish” or “reverse” a situation or occurrence, but the Full Moon in Virgo also encourages us to not cast spells for money for the home and lifestyle at this time and to cleanse, bless and dress candles for the next upcoming New Moon candle rituals. It is also a good time to completely deep clean your altar...
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  • Free Candle Spells – Advertise your Business with Free-Candle-Spells.com!... Greetings! Thank you for taking the time for considering boosting your business with www.free-candle-spells.com. I want to offer a glimpse of the various ways that you can increase traffic to your phone and/or website, and a great way to run little ‘mini-specials’ when you have a lull in business. PACKAGE NUMBER ONE: A full, one page biography of you and what you do, including photos, links to your website or e-mail address, full physical address (if you desire it to be posted) and telephone number can be yours for only $200.00 a year. For less than a cup of gourmet coffee a day, you can be driving more business...
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St. Joseph’s Day Altar Celebration March 19, 2009

St. Joseph’s Day Altar Celebration March 19, 2009 We are in the process of making plans for our Saint Joseph’s Feast Day Altar and we wanted to give you a ‘heads up’ on the festivities. Like last year, all profits from the candles being purchased to be placed on the Altar will go to the local charity that feeds the homeless here in Sacramento, CA. St. Joseph, also known as San Jose in the Latino community, was the stepfather of Jesus, and in this position, head of the household. He is petitioned by fathers and single mothers who have to adopt the roles of mother and father to their children. Saint Joseph is venerated to bring strength and knowledge in all decisions regarding the caring of the household finances and of work. He is also used to sell a house, as his image in the form of a small statue, has been known to help the owner of a home sell his house. If you would like to be a part of the celebration, or if you need to petition Saint Joseph (San Jose) for strength as the head of your household, you may purchase a 7-day white glass candle for our St. Joseph’s Altar. In addition to the candle being burnt in your name, you will receive three fava beans and a prayer card of St. Joseph, with complete instructions on how to use the fava beans to bring in good luck. Order your white 7 -day Glass Candle and Gift here  : To make a Donation in any Denomination or Amount (you will receive the Prayer Card Gift), click here:...

Free Candle Spells | Black Candle Spell at Graveyard for Protection

              I have  just finished a black candle spell at a grave for protection for a client. This couple was being harassed by a former female friend of the man, who had a brief relationship (read: encounter) while he was seperated from his girl. The woman clearly did not understand when the couple got back together again and has been tormenting them. It was time to put an end to it all. Traditionally, when you go to a graveyard, it is to visit a departed friend or relative. Rootworkers, conjure and hoodoo workers go to the graveyard to petition the deceased to ‘work’ for them. This particular grave is one of an American Indian that I visit from time to time. He has quite a history. First I cleaned his gravestone, then poured libations (rum) into a hole that I had dug at the center bottom of marker (where candle is at). I laid candies of all kinds, cookies, pennies and lit some cigars on the marker, as these are things that one enjoys when alive. The Spirits like them still, too. I then placed my petition paper in the hole, poured more rum on it, told the Spirit of the Indian what I would like him to do, then placed a black candle on top. I carefully explained that the black candle is not for the Spirit, but for the lady named on the petition paper. I will keep you posted on what happens…   NOTE: The use of any written or image material on this site is prohibited by anyone and is not approved by the site owner.It is illegal to use another’s work without express permission and is defined as...

Readers Questions | Disposing of Candle Remnants In Various Locations

Another reader wants to know about disposal of candle wax and spell remnants… Jacqueline, Just would like to know. I know some spells require that you dispose your work by burying far away or near your doorstep or throwing in running water. I live in a building not a house how would I do that? Also, if a spell calls for you to write the other woman’s’ name on a candle and you do not know the person name what do you write? Please shed some light on this for me. Thank You If you want something to come back to you or come to you, you bury it near your home – unless it is his underwear, and that you place UNDER your mattress. The theory here is that whatever you are doing as a candle spell, then those remnants of wax, burnt ashes of petition papers, incense or herbs and sachet powders, will be the ‘attracting’ scent, er or ‘magnet’ to your door. This goes for fast luck, more business, steady business, lover come back or here, kitty kitty spells. Now, if you do not have a source of dirt (like a planter bed or grass) near your door, then get a terracotta pot, pour in a couple of inches of dirt, place items there, cover with more dirt or potting soil and get a live plant, silk or artificial bush or just some rocks over the dirt (to keep kitty from using the potty there) and leave as close to your front door or porch as possible. Now, if you want to get rid of something, throw it into moving water, like a river or fast moving creek. Don’t throw it into a pond, as your eyes will always gravitate to the spot when you drive by in the future. If you are trying to damn someone up, take it to the cemetery and leave it at a grave site, along with a small bottle (half pint) of whiskey and a cigar. Maybe some candy or gum. If it is to punish or get someone thrown in jail, go leave it at a policeman’s or war veteran’s grave. they will do justice work for you. Your second question is about carving a name in a candle and what to do if you do not know their name. You can carve (or write on a petition paper and pin with pins into wax) any identifying description and/or DNA you have. Some examples: “that b***h that stole my man” (to the point!), or “the blonde up the street”, or “Debbie, the grocery clerk with brown hair at Piggly Wiggly”; you get the picture. Now, let’s say he comes home with lipstick on his collar (or somewhere else), cut the offending lipstick out of the clothing (yes, ruin the shirt you gave him) and either pin it to a piece of white paper with the words, “The woman who was wearing this lipstick who was with him last night” or something like that. You can also use her hair that she left on his coat collar, headrest in the car, or a mysterious telephone number that was scribbled on a matchbook. Hey, all’s fair in love and war, right? 😉...

Readers Questions | Using Olive Oil as a Substitute for Blessing Oils

Readers Questions | Using Olive Oil as a Substitute for Blessing Oils A Reader asks: I am trying to do the bring him to closer to me spell as well as the candle spell; and I can not find the oils in enough times, I have olive oil and I read that I can pray over the olive oil. Is this okay…It will be the end of the week before I have the funds to see this entire project through, in that at this time I am interviewing someone to work with me. Thank you   You may use olive oil in a ‘pinch’ to anoint your oil; after all, not only is it one of the ‘Holy Oils’ mentioned in the Bible but also consider the oil lamps that were used constantly in the Temple and also for burnt offerings. The Olive tree is abundant throughout the Middle East and revered in all the religions that originated from that geographical area. Another idea is to get a couple of bottles of Olive oil and place some spices and herbs in each to steep, these being a base for what ever candle burning spells you want to create. Use Cinnamon for ‘Fast Luck’ and ‘Love’ conditions, allspice and mint for ‘Money’ type candles.    ...

Readers Questions | What Do I Do When the Candle Goes Out?

                Readers, this is the continuation of an e-mail with questions from a reader that I felt were good to answer in blog posts. You may find a friend or even yourself experiencing some of the same things as our reader who writes: Reader: I was reading the instructions that were enclosed with the oil and powder sachets. It said that IF a candle went out do not re-light it due to negative forces. Jacqueline:>>>>>Yes. Throw candle away and start over. You either didn’t do it right or the thing that you are trying to change is too big and strong and you have to ‘tweak’ your spell. Reader: Should I throw it away (my present plan)? Jacqueline: >>>>Start over. Readers, it is important to focus and prepare your candles right in accordance to traditional cleansing and blessing/anointing methods either taught by your spiritual group or by doing research here at Free-Candle-Spells. There is a category to the right called Proper Candle Preparation, that can answer most of your basic questions. If your candle goes out, toss it out. It is either of poor quality because of hasty, cheap labor manufacturing or you can consider the candle to not have been properly prepared for the situation. With regards to cheap labor, the wick is held down by an aluminum ‘button’ that weighs the wick to the bottom of the glass. However, this does not insure you against wicks with too much ‘play’ in them that they wiggle left or right of center when candle is cooling during the pour. Once a wick has too much ‘play’, it has the tendency to ‘float’ all over the inside of the glass, and even potentially dipping over onto itself and extinguishing the flame. Now for the metaphysical or spiritual answer; you did not prepare the candle properly before lighting and/or the ‘entity’ or ‘problem’ you are burning your candle for is larger than you first realized. Begin again with a fresh candle and maybe even bolster or ‘prop it up’ with a white candle in glass next to it, to bring angelic light and purity to the candle spell. Thank you for the great questions as it has spurred on some more questions that will be posted in the next week!    ...

Readers Questions | Using a Pink Candle on a Money Altar

Readers Questions | Using a Pink Candle on a Money Altar A reader is inquiring about her pink candle that went out on her money drawing altar. We pick up the e-mail conversation from here… Reader: Well, I had originally placed a pink candle (for love) where the red candle is now. It went out…I could not get it to light again. Hhhmm..could this be due to my current situation with my marriage? Jacqueline: >>>>>Could be…but why burn the pink candle on the money altar? Reader: I just assumed it was a bad wick? Jacqueline: >>>>>Maybe. Reader: So, I put it aside and replaced it with the red candle. Jacqueline: >>>>>Red is energy so in love matters, it means ‘wham bam thank you ma’am’ type of sexual thing. Pink is romance. In money matters, (or luck) red means fast acting. I think the most important item to remember here is to think and do research about your candle spell before you begin. I interpret the pink candle going out as a sign that it is not to be on the Money Altar…and just maybe money (or the source or lack thereof) might be a problem IN the marriage. Readers, please remember that you can actually EXACERBATE or create MORE PROBLEMS by using the ‘wrong’ colored candle. Remember that a long time ago, there were no ‘colored’ candles – all were made of a buttery-cream color that comes with sheep and mutton tallow. Tinting the paraffin (which was later used) is an idea that has come about in the last 50 to 70 years, give or take. Please take the time to read through the Candle Colors Directory category located on the right of this page. Now, let’s get this money drawing candle spell done right!...

Readers Questions | What to Do with Too Much Wax in the Candle?

                Readers, The next three blog posts contain a series of questions that were e-mailed to me in regards to candles. I felt that they were pertinent for all and may be some of the same questions that you might be asking. Please read and enjoy! We pick up the e-mail from here… Reader: Also, what do I do when the wax melts so much it wants to “drown” the lit wick?  What do I do with that melted wax to make room for the wick light? Jacqueline: >>>>>If the light has not gone out, don’t mess with it. Of course, then again, don’t put a whole lot of oil in the candle, either. I use seven drops, one for each day of the week. Readers, I have lit candles not only for myself but for clients as well only to check on them some time later and either the candle went out, or has a very low flame, almost only a pinpoint of light at the tip of the wick. There is only two probable causes – physics and metaphyisical. Lets rule out candle burning basics and physics first: When I posed this question to a local candle maker, he offered this explanation: The size of the wick determines how the candle burns. If you have a thin or small wick, the flame downs in the pool of wax. Too large of a wick will make the candle burn way too fast. That is only part of the reason that the commercial “Saints” 7-day Novena type candles you purchase at Walgreens do not last 7 days. The other half of the reason candles burn too fast is because of the various types of paraffin they are using – thanks to the petroleum oil price jump of last summer. When a flame goes low or out, it is because the wick is not thick enough to draw up the right amount of liquid wax to be burned at a normal rate, thus the flame burns towards the pool of liquid wax, seeking fuel in the form of the wax, and the candle puts itself out. Now for the spiritual or metaphysical explanation; you either did not perform the cleansing or blessing/anointing ritual right, you did not focus your intentions right or the ‘entity’ or ‘thing’ that you are trying to change, disperse or draw in is too big for you and/or your intentions. I could be that despite you wanting to send back some negativity to a person you think is trying to give you Hell is really giving it back to you because you started it all! (Pardon my vivid imagination here, but I see PeeWee Herman in one of his movies saying, ‘I know you are but what amI? I know you are but what am I?’ comes to mind) 🙂 More importantly, are you trying to ‘justify’ your stance by burning a candle on a person when maybe you need to do some introspection/reflection on your own actions and maybe burn an candle for you to ‘keep the peace’ or ‘make a change’ for yourself? We cannot rule out the possibility that your candle got spiritually ‘snuffed out’ because someone was already burning candles on YOU! Now that’s a whole ‘nuther blog post  someday…  ...

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