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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Using Photos with your Candle Burning Spells...             In many cultures, it is considered tradition to use a photograph with a candle. Just like a name paper, which is a piece of parchment paper in the old time methods, or the more conventional white paper, to inscribe the full name and birth date (if known) on a paper and place it under a candle for various conditions. Photographs are used in a similar fashion to keep in touch with an individual. More importantly, the color of candle that is used with a photograph is detrimental to the candle burning outcome. Using a white candle, for example, anointed with healing, blessing or...
  • White Mother’s Day Candle Spell | An In Remembrance Ancestor Altar... White Mother’s Day Candle Spell | An In Remembrance Ancestor Altar Sunday, May 9, 2010 is Mother’s Day and a time to honor your mother. Since many do not have their Mom on this earthly plane any longer, you can still honor her with this simple candle spell. I chose the candle of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the color white to symbolize Peace, Blessing and Remembrance. Mother’s Day for the Mexican community is always May 10th, despite what day it falls on, so this years many gift and flower shops will have a long holiday getting out those gifts. La Guadalupe is the one that almost everyone in the Southwest turns to when in need. She is the “Protectress...
  • Readers Questions | Vinegar Jar Spell Update (interesting…!)... Readers Questions | Vinegar Jar Spell Update (interesting…!)           Vinegar Jar 3 Day Follow-up by Eben, our reader and spell submitter Friends, If you remember back a couple of weeks ago, Eben gave us his version of the Vinegar Jar Spell. He is reporting on the happenings as a result of the old adage, “Three Days, Three Weeks, Three Months”. Read on….. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was really unsure how to comment on the blog. I attempted, but it left me nowhere to post anything. Anyway. I have decided, if it is okay with you, to post my 3 day, 3 week, and 3 months follow-ups. It was 3 days actually two Saturdays ago. Talking...
  • Free Candle Spells | Freezer Spell to Stop Gossip or Someone...   INGREDIENTS 1 Red 7-Day Glass “Novena” type Candle 1 White 7-Day Glass “Novena” type Candle 1 Black 7-Day Glass “Novena” type Candle 1 teaspoon Powdered Alum 1 Canning Jar or Jelly Jar (with lid) White thread or string Photo of victim or full name on piece of white paper   Clean candles with lemon juice or Florida water, set aside to dry. For more instructions on candle cleaning, read this article, “Candle Spell Preparation Step-by-Step for Candleburning Success!” Write a petition on a clean piece of paper exactly what you want this person to stop saying. If using a photograph, tape he face of the person to the...
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Faith and Intention in Your Candle Burning Spells

Readers, It has occurred to me that lately I have had many, many letters regarding the time of waiting during the candle burning for candle spell work. I am not sure if it is just a sign of the times, but I thought I should reiterate and explain time and intention when setting lights for a particular candle spell. Perhaps I can address everyone’s  concerns in this manner and also alleviate many others’ potential thoughts as well. First, we should address whether the candle spell is warranted or not. Burning a candle because your sister-in-law is a female dog and acts like a floozy or your neighbor parks his car in your parking space in the apartment complex is not a reason for ‘setting lights’ or burning a candle on their name on a petition paper. Save your energy and let the sister-in-law be and talk to the manager about your parking space. Real, successful candle burning spell magic is about activating changes in your life and the lives of others. It is about harnessing that energy of that pain, hurt and anger and channeling or infusing the candle, oil, herbs, sachets and any other item used in the candle spell to charge those items. Now, I am not excusing bad behavior from next door neighbors, boyfriends and the receptionist at your job – we need to call a duck a duck – but it is more that you want to have an ‘incident’ happen to them so that they will ‘wake up and get a clue’, so to speak. Of course, I will always stand by doing the ‘right’ thing, like addressing loud music at all hours of the night with management or the police and those ‘Oopsie’ missed messages that you were waiting to be delivered from Miss I -Have-No-Brain-Between-My-Ears-or-Do-I? at the front desk. Always, ALWAYS go through the correct channels, however P.C. they are, then do your candle work after the proper authorities were notified. So, with all this, how do we get ‘in the mood’ to energize our candles correctly for a successful outcome? First, take a long bath, if needed. Get the grime of the office, kids, traffic, BILLS, off your mind, chest, back and head. Soak in Epsom Salts, two cups is recommended, and lie there until the water gets COLD. Then, dress comfortably in loose clothing and set all your items, tools and oils out on your table. Sit and just open a bottle of condition oil you will use and BREATHE DEEPLY in the essential oils that will be the catalyst to your intended outcome. Carve initials in the candles, make well holes in the candle for oil to be held, write petition papers, including names, telephone numbers – WHATEVER you need to identify the ‘intended victim’ in the candle spell. Take your time in creating a candle spell, all good things take time to stew, mingle, adhere and coagulate. Oil your candles, gripping them tightly while chanting or stating your intention to them. If they are “taper” or “free standing” type of candles, roll them in sachet powder, herbs or whatever you want to ‘kick it up a notch’ for a successful candle burn. If they are the 7-day “Novena type” vigil candles in glass, anoint the top wax area. Set your flameproof dish or saucer, place all the necessary petition papers, personal items or business cards under the candle and light with INTENTION (i.e. “I, Olive Olivia Oyl, light this candle with the intention that Popeye will stop sailing the ocean blue and settle down with me and Sweet Pea.”). NOTE: You must, absolutely MUST, state your intention like you...

Saint Joseph’s Day Altar | March 19, 2009 – Petition Candles

Saint Joseph’s Day Altar | March 19, 2009 – Petition Candles Order your white 7 -day novena type petition candle for your husband, father, stepfather, grandfather, brother or even for a single mother who is taking care of the family with assistance from a spouse.  Each order will include a gift of fava beans and a prayer card with complete instructions on how to use the fava beans to bring in Good Luck. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Readers Questions | How to Break Up a Couple

Readers Questions | How to Break Up a Couple Jacqueline, I believe that me and my ex boyfriend broke up because of a spell that his new girlfriend placed on him. He states he still loves me and he thinks they did something as well. What candles can I use to break that spell and bring him back to me? Natalie I am sorry to heat this – not only for you but (and in a lesser amount) sorry for the ‘other woman’ that has to use candle magic or other items to ‘get her man’. A couple of questions come to mind – why would your boyfriend come in contact with this other woman? Are they co-workers? Is she (or he) desperate? Unsettled? Restless? I cannot tell you how many clients I see in regards to love – because of some tomfoolery going on with one of the couple. So I would first ask you to think about this – how was the relationship going BEFORE the breakup? ‘She’ might offer something you don’t – or won’t do. This is alright if you have a Code of Standards in which you use to guide your life. It is OK to NOT do something you are being forced to do by threat or pressure, if you do not what to do it. Is he just irresponsible and maybe his leaving is a true ‘blessing’? No offense, but some behaviors are more noticeable when you are standing on the sideline – kind of like when you pull the magnifying glass back, you can see the whole pattern in the leaf – not just one cell. Another thing to consider is how long has your boyfriend been gone? I had a client once that waited over three months to begin candle work. So, if you want to get your lover back, you will have to work as many days as it has been since they left you. Believe me, the hardest candle spell (and the most costly) are when lovers have been apart for years – due to their hard heads sometimes – before getting back. Remember the longer apart – the harder it is to get them back. OK after all that, I am going to assume that your relationship was fine and will offer these ideas: 1. You can do a honey jar on him, using ANY personal item that might have DNA on it – toothbrush bristle, razor with hair, hairbrush, old clothes (preferably unwashed), underwear, sweaty tee shirt, Q – tip, snot rag – ANYTHING that you can use to plop in a honey jar to designate HIM. Use two matching lodestones (a ‘male’ lodestone is pointy, rugged and a ‘female’ lodestone is curved, rounded). Use something of your (again – hair, part of your soiled panties, cigarette butt wrapper, lipstick on tissue) and USING ONLY A PART OF THIS ITEM (about a 1 inch square). Write your petition paper and place that on bottom of jar, add personal objects of the both of you, then cover with honey, Karo syrup, brown sugar, white sugar – any sweeteners that you want.  Fill to brim, cap jar, set in bowl and begin lighting free standing pink candles, votive candles or tea lights on top of the lid (see jar here for idea). The idea here is to ‘sweeten’ him up to draw him back and not using any ‘revenge’ type energy in getting him back. 2. You can use a Male and Female Figural Candle and burn them for results. You will need these two candles, a bottle of “Break Up” Condition Oil, a large knife that you bought at the dollar discount store and a plate...

Readers Questions | More About Popping Noises with Honey Jar Candle

Readers Questions | More About Popping Noises with Honey Jar Candle Michael, a reader that inquired a couple of weeks ago about ‘popping’ noises with his honey jar candle love spell, not only gave us his ingredients, but fabulous photos and a link to some video he shot with the noises clearly audible and the wick splitting into two! Amazing! You may use this link to go to this video he created of the candle burning, along with popping noises! http://tinypic.com/usermedia.php?uo=2kaonNSDdqShNFkc3TrttA%3D%3D Michael asked me to give some observations about his candle and it is evident that this was for love, and he indicated that he used pictures of him and her, hairs, rose petals and lodestones. The interesting thing is how the one wick separated into two flames (see photo). this is a VERY good sign that you will be successful in love with this young lady. My only thought is that you ‘temper’ the honey jar with either covering the red with a white candle, or the next candle you burn be a pink one. Again, remember red is energy, intense and hot, and you don’t want your new relationship to ‘run red hot’ – or, that you are so sensually overstimulated that there is nothing else but the physical, if you know what I mean. You need affection and romance (pink) and appreciation for each others’ minds (white). So, to keep this relationship more than just the sexual, I would alternated the red with either pink or white candles. Good Luck and keep us posted on when the wedding date has been set!...

Candle Spell Candle Preparation Step By Step for Candleburning Success!

Candle Spell Candle Preparation Step By Step for Candleburning Success! Today, I am going to go over step-by-step the proper method of cleaning a candle for a candle spell. Recently, I was preparing a candle for a client and encountered a few items that I may not have covered in previous posts regarding candle preparation. Here is the steps, with photos, to ensure candle spell success! First step is to clean the candle with Florida Water. You my also want to use Lemon Juice, or even a combination of using one first, such as the lemon juice (to ‘Cut and Clear’ out any negative vibes), then follow it with Florida Water (to bring in the ‘Good Spirits’). The traditional Florida Water known by most is made by Lanman and Kemp, but I picked this bottle up at our neighborhood ethnic foods store. It is made by Goya Products, which is a large manufacturer of products and foods for Caribbean cultures. Make sure to clean both inside the candle (inner glass area, wax top and wick) and also the outside glass area. As I was cleaning, I found something embedded in the wax from the factory where they were produced. I took a small, sharp pointed knife and cut out the offending stuff. This would be a good time to trim the wick to two inches. Wipe down your candle again, you can NEVER be too clean. Another thought is this, you do not know if the owner of the Botanica or Candle Shop where you purchased these candle might be pre-blessing/anointing these candle to PURPOSELY not bring success to you, so that you will return over and over to purchase candles that have been ‘tuned’ to fail! There has been more than one unscrupulous shop owner out there in the world! Now, it is time to anoint the candle with the appropriate condition oil. We are doing a “Road Opener” candle spell for our client, so the candle color matches the Road Opener Oil that we are using. You can see my table, with petition papers, photographs, my box of condition and anointing oils, various tools and shipping boxes to mail candles to clients who want to burn their candles themselves. Now it is time to evenly distribute the oil over the top of the candle, pray over it and infuse it with intention and then attach the clients photo to the front of their candle. This candle will then go on my All Saints Altar, when I have candle going for clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! There you have it! Step by Step instructions on how to properly clean, anoint, bless and create a candle for candle spell burning success!    ...

Full Moon on Tuesday 03/10 – Order your Reversible Candles Today!

Full Moon on Tuesday 03/10 – Order your Reversible Candles Today! Order your Reversible Candles to by burned for you today as the Full Moon is tomorrow, Tuesday, March 10, 2009. The Full Moon is beneficial for reversing, returning to sender, chasing away, casting off and sending away any negative vibes from bothersome people and people who wish you bad luck. Send that Bad Luck off with a Reversible Candle burned for you today!...

Full Moon in Virgo | March 10, 2009 – Security Walls Break Down

Full Moon in Virgo | March 10, 2009 – Security Walls Break Down The Full Moon in Virgo occurs on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at 9:39 pm E.D.T. The Moon in Virgo, a “mutable” Earth sign, means that it is fluctuating between active and passive energy. The Moon in Virgo is protective and materialistic. The conjunct with Saturn and opposition with Uranus sets us up for security break ins at theis time. The schedules and routines we repeat daily are to be disrupted. What was known as the “Norm” is not not true. This is a good time to burn blue and white 7-day ‘Novena’ type candles for healing for family matters and for animals.  This is a good time to begin a deep clean of your home, tossing out or donating things that are not useful to you anymore. The shelters need your gently used carer clothing so that someone can dress decently for a job interview. If you got a new TV, Computer or Cell Phone for the holiday, please remember to recycle them at an e-waste facility. Shipping boxes, newspapers, magazines all need to be placed in the recycling. Organize your closets, kitchen pantry and dresser drawers. Spring is almost here and with it comes inspiration for new growth and renewal. Blessing and Healing Condition Oils are available for purchase for $9.00 each PLUS shipping and handling is FREE!...

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