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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
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  • Readers Question | I Burned Money Candle – Now What?... Readers Question |  I Burned Money Candle – Now What? Jacqueline I am new to your site and new to candle burning. Last month, I burned a green candle for money and I have not seen any changes. I work, but I don’t see any new money coming in. Does the work? Shayla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shayla, It does indeed work – if it didn’t it would have faded into obscurity like the typewriter recently did. Let me go over some things that might have happened that you may  or may not be aware of in candle burning. First, proper candle preparation such as cleaning, carving the oil holes and blessing is a must. For a refresher, read “Candle Spell Candle...
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Readers Candle Spell | Overturn Prop. 8 in California

Readers, I received permission from Eddy to publish this candle spell because of the significance of doing candle burning spells that will affect a population or group of people. Candle spells are not only geared for the individual, but for a purpose or cause, to be changed. I believe that Eddy’s contribution of this candle spell is a wonderful example of how one person, ant maybe yourself included, can do a group candle burning spell from different satellite locations, to make a change in an action, event or course of action. Thank you for your candle spell, Eddy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For those of you who have been completely disconnected from all news, Prop 8 recently had its day in court, determining whether I – as a gay man – have the right to marry, or whether others have the right to take that right away from me. I have been very politically involved with the issue and decided to put a little conjure to work on it. I made a honey jar on the issue. I got a photo of all the current Supreme Court Justices and made it into a name-paper with their names on the back, then crossed those with “Strike down Prop 8”. I anointed the paper with a hand-blended Court Case Oil in a 5-spot. I put that into the honey jar, along with a big chunk of Little John to Chew (to have them rule in my favor), Solomon Seal (to have them judge the situation wisely), and a pinch of Tobacco (To put a little force behind my will over them). I put the lid on them, and have been burning candles non-stop over that jar since 1 week prior to the Supreme Court hearings. I use brown candles, carved to read “Overturn Prop 8” that are dressed with Court Case Oil. Every candle thus far has burned tall, strong, steady and not a single drip in sight! Literally all that’s left at the end is a tiny piece of charred wick, no wax reside at all. It’s amazing to watch. So we’ll see how it goes. They have until June to give their ruling. If you want to join in the cause, feel free to copy my working. Blessings, Eddy (Dr. E.) Dr. E. developed this spell by combining the old practice of using honey to “sweeten someone’s disposition toward you” along with traditional herbs and roots used to win court cases. By adding candle magic to “bring light to the situation” the target of the spell is affected to rule with wisdom, illumination and with a verdict in alignment with what the rootworker desires.  Dr. E. is a traditional hoodoo rootworker offering his services in conjure to those in need. He is a graduate of The Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Correspondence Course (student #1266G) and has an extensive background as a spiritual medium, tarot reader, energy worker, herbalist and magician....

Readers Candle Tip | Stopping Candles Turning Black with Soot


Readers Questions | How to Keep Candle Lit and Disposal Questions

              Jacqueline, I have a question: I burned my glass enclosed green candle as far down as I can. I can not light it anymore as the lighter won’t reach that far. How do I dispose of this candle? Sincerely, Sylvia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   I am going to surmise that one of two things were happening to your candle; either you kept putting it out every day or it went out upon initial lighting and you kept re-lighting it. First, we will rule out any physical problems that the candle might have. If the wick did not ‘float’ over to the side of the candle glass, the liquid wax pool did not ‘drown’ the flame, too much oil was placed in the candle, or there was no sudden blast of wind, then we can rule out tangible facts that led to the candle going out. If the candle went out on its’ own, then the spell is done. If you were extinguishing the flame with a candle snuffer, only to relight the candle when you return, this is fine for continued candle burning. If you were using your breath and blowing the candle out, then the candle burn or candle spell is DONE.Why? Because your ‘essence’ or ‘ache’ (spirit) was ‘mingled’ with the wax or was ‘introduced’ to the candle wax and flame, and in essence, your ‘spirit’ willed it to be ‘out’. To continue to burn a candle specially prepared for candle spell magic after blowing said candle out is fruitless; magic will not happen anymore. The same DOES NOT hold true for the scented candles we burn for fragrance use only (Yankee Candle and the like)  The intention of these types of candles if for scent or fragrance only – so no harm blowing these outwith your breath. In regards to disposal, I place all glass candles in the recycling – unless used with free standing jumbo tapers for the same intention. Do not mix intentions and change out the pull out candles for different conditions. Keep money drawing together, reversible together, etc. Thanks for the good questions!    ...

Readers Questions | What Does Black Smoke and Soot Mean?

Readers Questions | What Does Black Smoke and Soot Mean? Jacqueline, I LOVE your site! It is got a lot of good ideas about candles! I have a problem. I burned a candle for money and it got really black and sooty. What happened? I lit it during the New Moon and everything and it got all black at the top, but by the time it got done burning, there was no more black stuff. Tanya I just happened to be burning a candle for a client and the same thing happened to me last week. Since I make it a habit to send photos to my clients at the end of the burn, I saved these and posted them here. As you can see, the candle was dark at the beginning of the candle spell, but gradually lightened up after the half way mark.  Given that there was not excess of blessing and anointing oil added (I used only 7 drops) and that the wick was constantly secured firmly in the center of the wax (so it would not blacken the side), it can only be explained in the spiritual way – the negativity was ‘burned off’ in the first aprt of the candle burning spell. This client has continued to have candles burned on my altar for him weekly and now has clean burning...

Free Candle Spells | San Jose/Saint Joseph Day Altar 2009

Free Candle Spells | San Jose/Saint Joseph Day Altar 2009 We had a lovely time today at the Free Candle Spells San Jose/Saint Joseph Day Altar 2009 with visitors, readings and a very generous donation for our efforts to continue to feed those less fortunate. Also, a special thanks to the “Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookie Fairy” You know who you are!...

San Jose/Saint Joseph’s Feast Day Altar – Mar. 19, 2009

Order your white 7 -day novena type petition candle for your husband, father, stepfather, grandfather, brother or even for a single mother who is taking care of the family with assistance from a spouse. Each order will include a gift of fava beans and a prayer card with complete instructions on how to use the fava beans to bring in Good Luck. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Readers Questions | Is My Return To Me Candle Spell Working Right?

Hello Ms. Jacqueline, I did email the same situation a few weeks ago wasnt sure if it went through. Over the past two years making three this coming September. Me and this man have been through HELL. We met September of 2006. We seem as if we were just friends, but started to get intimate and closer. The man is seven years older than me. As the months passed he began to still be around, but at certain times. He had an anti-social attitude towards to me, but never wanted to completely leave me. To make a long story short. September 16, 2008 we were legally tore apart (Restraining Order). Something inside pushed me just find out about who was coming between us or who was getting most of his time. I found that out. A few weeks before thanksgiving I seeked some advice from spiritual advisor. She read me and she was the third to tell me that this man loves me and I love him. Saying we were soulmates. For those two months we were apart I had no success with any other men. The advisor and the other two I had seen began to tell me that the girl has been doing evil things against me and my lover to keep us apart.She has us confused with eachother and upset. I let the lady do some work for me in which we were reunited, but before Valentine’s Day he had began to act weird again. I went on and purchased some charms she recommended and then it still failed. He had me a Valentine’s Day gift, but he was again suffering from being under her spell. He is worse off than me, because the girl is randomly over there. I began burning candles at this local candle shoppe, because my advisor wanted more money than i was even thinking about spending the third time. I feel she was taking advantage of my commitment to him. I’ve been burning this candle to reverse the evil, bring us back together, spell breaker, and bend over. I’ve been wondering like if she is doing this spell against his will and my will. We both belong together and nine advisors so far have told me that is it possible that my candles will help us against whateverer workshe is doing? The girl is persistent from what I’m told. Once she seen I was fighting back she is just working fast and hard. They also say the girl knew me before I actually met her. It’s so frustrating, because I’ve never done no one anything. So, this week makes week three for those candles. I did receive a phone call from him on Monday March 16, 2009. He still seem confused. So, I just wanted to know possibly how long will I have to fight for mine? I’ve heard she is a walking demon. She looks all crazy and just stares. On top of all the confusion he don’t want her and she doesn’t want him. I was told by advisors it is to keep us unhappy, because we enjoy one another. She just likes to see him confused and not knowing if he’s coming or going. Thanks so much for reading my question! Torey Dear Torey, My concern here is that you first have gone through a few spiritual advisors and seem to not have much success. Second, since I have no idea of what the other advisor prescribed in the way of candle work that has not been successful for you. Let me explain. Each spiritual intercessor or worker has their own belief system and instruction that they have...

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