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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Astrological Candles – Gemini the Twins... The astrological sign of Gemini rules those born from May 22nd to to June 21st. The energy of the Gemini sign is all about “Communication” since Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. A “Mutable” Air sign, Gemini is active and passive in the matters of the intellect and thought processes and communication. These candles, sometimes referred to as “Astral” or “Star” candles, are an enhancement to your candle burning spell for you (or the one for whom you are working a candle spell) to give a personal power touch to the spell. Each person is born under one zodiac sign and under the influence of the sign’s planetary...
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Readers Questions | Help with Burning Candles Turning Black

Hi Jacqueline, HELP!!!!!!! I have a situation with a young lady interfering in my relationship. We have been burning “run devil run” candles and its been going pretty good. However, recently the candles have been turning black. Even the love candles we are burning are turning black. What else can we do? Renee The presence of black or soot on candles means that negativity or ‘evil’ is being burned off, if we rule out physics. Let’s tackle that one first. Provided that you are not ‘overdosing’ your candle with oil (3,5,7,9,11 or 13 drops being the ‘magic number’ of drops of oil into the top of your candle), then we are fine. It is when someone thinks, very much like laundry detergent, that ‘if one scoop is recommended, then two SURELY will get them clean’ is not, I repeat, IS NOT the way to go with condition or anointing oils.  You could be creating your own recipe for negativity by using too much oil, thus creating the possibility of the candle putting itself out (too much oil and liquid wax in the well), but also the sooty residue of excess oil being burned off. Use only the magical number of drops (odd numbers listed above) and you should be fine. Now, with that out of the way, let’s talk spiritual.If the candle begins to be sooty towards the top of the glass, but clears out, then this is a POSITIVE sign that negativity is being ‘burned off’ and your Guardian Angel is working for your good by the end of the candle burn. There are also some other factors to take into account. How was the flame acting throughout the burn? Was it actively flipping and moving about? Was there popping or crackling noises? Was the flame low or looked like it was about to go out? Candle wax formations, coloring or sooty residue and the actions of the flames are all factors to consider when doing candle divination. It is an old tradition that when you see a candle that you are burning for a candle spell starting to turn black, you bolster it or give it support by anointing a white 7-day novena type vigil candle in glass with either Blessing Oil or even plain old Olive Oil to led support in your position in regards to your petition. Keep up the work and ‘whittle’ this pesky intruder down by bolstering your candles with a white one when you see it getting black and sooty. Good Luck! Let us know how it goes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DID YOU KNOW? – When you need ‘luck in a hurry’ or even $100.00 to put groceries in the pantry, that if you petition St. Expedite with an EXACT PETITION, meaning you specify why you need his help (i.e. “St. Expy, I need $200.00 to get my car smogged or else I am going to be walking to work’ – like this), he will help you, in most cases? Now, don’t go asking for gambling money to take to the casinos, but it has to be a real need. By burning a red candle in front of his image on a Wednesday, anointed with “Fast Luck” Condition Oil, he will bring you what you need. Order your “Fast Luck” Condition Oil at www.lucky13clover.com...

Full Moon in Libra | April 9, 2009 – Break Off Negative Associations

The Full Moon in Libra begins at 10:56 pm E.S.T. on Thursday, April 9, 2009. The Libra Moon is considered a “Cardinal” sign – intellectual, inventive and innovative. This is a perfect time to design and create your ceremonial robe, altar cloths, swags of drapery for your sacred space or temple and beautify your area where you burn your candles. Since the Moon is waning, or lessening  its’ presence in the night sky, this is the time to do separation work. It is also a good time to dissolve any partnership or associations. Ditto for  ‘psychic vampires’ who suck the life and energy out of your dreams and aspirations! Banish and be gone! This is a good time to begin candle burning spells for releasing anyone in your life that has caused you pain and suffering, especially those who you either have no longer associated with but recall vividly their crimes against you and  also for any negative thoughts that hamper your progress. The New Moon is in approximately two weeks away, so now is the time to ‘clean out the cobwebs’ and get ready for a fresh, new outlook on life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DID YOU KNOW? – Adding a half cup to your wash water for your laundry will ‘chase away’ any negativity that they have absorbed. There are spiritual reasons you do not purchase clothes from the second hand store; you never know the type of person who owned them before. By adding a half cup of liquid clear ammonia (non-sudsy), you will clear out any negativity. CAUTION: If using on white clothes, wash your clothes with bleach and laundry soap FIRST, then after the last rinse, re-wash on a short wash cycle with the ammonia and a half cup of laundry detergent. BEWARE: You will create a toxic gas if you mix ammonia and bleach together in the same load!...

Free Candle Spells | Weaving Palm Fronds from Palm Sunday

Free Candle Spells | Weaving Palm Fronds from Palm Sunday Here is a neat instruction sheet to weave your palm fronds into a cross: Click here to print off instruction sheet Happy Palm Sunday everyone and may you and your family have a great week on spring break and celebrating all the various spring holidays and traditions this month!...

Tarot Card Readings with Jacqueline – moderator of Free-Candle-Spells.com

Tarot Card Readings with Jacqueline – moderator of Free-Candle-Spells.com Greetings! If it has been awhile since your last reading, or if you have never had a tarot reading with Obi divination, now is the tiime! I am available for 30 minute and one hour tarot card readings. Each will give you time to ask any questions that will result in a “Yes” or “No” answer. For many questions, I would suggest the hour reading. You can order your one hour reading by click this button: Ask those couple of questions about recent events or find out what the Universe has in store for you right now.For a 30 minute reading click here: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When doing Prosperity or Money Drawing Candle work, it is a good practice to give to a favorite church, organization or groups that is seeking donations to do something good in the community. Your gift does not have to be large, but every good deed is seen by the Higher Power and will reward you with unexpected financial blessings when you need it the most! Some of my favorite charities are: Susan Komen Breast Cancer Research Fund – (1 out of 10 women get breast cancer – something to think about) Disabled Veterans of America – they always send me address labels St Labre Indian School – to honor my Native American heritage Union Gospel Mission – our local soup kitchen who feed many hungry people daily Think of how your $5.00 could help support your community and bless them. You will thus be richly blessed!...

Readers Questions | Honey Jar for Boss – How to Get Them Talking/Moving?

Readers Questions | Honey Jar for Boss – How to Get Them Talking/Moving? Hello Jacqueline, I was reading your information about the honey jar spell, I would like to perform a honey jar spell so that my supervisors and payroll secretary will be more cooperative with me. They have not been returning my calls or signing paper work needed to hold my position for my job. What would be the different color candles that you use and oils, for instance can I use communication oil in the jar so that they will call me? Robyn Robyn, thank you for asking this question as I am sure that others are experiencing job issues in these current economic times. This is how I would assemble the honey jar for work: INGREDIENTS: 1 Mason or Ball brand canning jar or glass jelly jar with a metal lid (no plastic as it will catch fire) 1 bottle of honey (however, can use Karo brand corn syrup, white sugar or other sweeteners) 1 larger lodestone with iron shavings Influence Oil Fast Luck Oil Money Drawing Oil Boss Fix Oil Business card or copy of signature from each person concerned Small yellow (for success), red (for fast work), green (money) and white (for clarity) candles. NOTE: I have seen these finger-length candles in the Long’s Drugstores out her in California (in cosmetics) and also at the dollar stores. Ironically, the Asian markets in my city have similar candles from Thailand that are labeled birthday candles (hate to see that cake for Granny!). Write your petition on business card or copy of signature paper (cut to size) and place in bottom of jar. Open bottles of oil and allow three drops of each oil to drip on the business card or paper. Cover hands over in prayer over jar, praying Psalm 23 (“Lord is My Shepherd”) or an “Our Father”.  Place lodestone on top. Add some iron shavings. Place hands again over jar and vocalize what you want the lodestone to do in your case (aka “Pleading your Case”). Add honey, corn syrup or sugar to the top of jar and seal. Place on glass saucer or glass Pyrex pie pan. You will then begin burning a free standing candle daily on top of the honey jar (see photo), allowing the wax to drip down and cover the jar. Alternate daily each candle ( i.e. First day red candle with “Fast Luck” oil; second day, white candle with “Boss Fix” Oil; third day, yellow candle with “Influence Oil”; and fourth day green with “Money Drawing” Oil.) Repeat pattern until desired effects are achieved. In addition, I would take a drop of Influence Oil and place it front and center of my brow every day before going to work. I would anoint the door handles, telephone receiver, mouse, arm rests of chair of the boss with Boss Fix Oil (if possible). I would also rub one drop each of Money Drawing and Fast Luck Condition Oils in my palms before touching my purse to pick up to go to work. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prosperity is Mine in 2009! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Order your Condition Oils and more at...

Readers Questions | New Moon in Aries Candle Burning Questions

A reader comments: Okay. So I’m trying to figure this all out. Red, green, gold, pink – money – love – new beginning – which goes on what altar. I’m confused! I looked at the color directory and understand the basics but the combos escape me. Red, green and gold mean fast money? But don’t use St. Expedite cuz that is TOO fast. And don’t use pink cuz that is strictly for love. My hoodoo won’t do! Help! Shinita The basic candle colors you mentioned mean (in this order): Red for energy (both used for positive and negative uses), passionate love, a ‘quickie’ (really!). Mostly used for “Fast Luck”, “Run, Devil, Run” and “Reversible” candles, but can be used to bolster or ‘heat up’ any other candle burning for its’ purpose (i.e. A Green candle burning for money and a red candle to ‘make it hurry to you’.) Gold for riches, success and bright, golden light of clarity (“Open My Roads”, “King Solomon”, “Crown of Glory Success”, and “Cut and Clear” candle spells). Said to bring ‘golden showers of riches, fame and knowledge upon you’. Used by students and those taking career-type exams to advance in life. Also used for ‘road opening’ candle spells (when you think you have no opportunities ahead). Green for money, prosperity and riches. Can be used with gold or red candles (in a triangular pattern) for a triple strength money-riches-power drawing candle spell .   Pink for romance and affection. This gets a little confusing. Red candles for love can bring unbridled passion, and if you are not careful, a quick end to the relationship! Why? How many successful relationships you know that is based on the physical aspects of it alone? Not many, I bet. Pink brings in the calming effects of white (remember red + white = pink). White is all about understanding and knowledge. So pink candles fuse these two candle meanings together; red for passion and ardent love, white for understanding and peace. Voila! Hope this helps!  BTW, If you got ‘connections’ with St. Expedite, woo-wee you are one lucky gal! We gotta talk!  😉  ...

New Moon in Aries | March 26, 2009 – Control Those Passionate Emotions

New Moon in Aries | March 26, 2009 – Control Those Passionate Emotions The New Moon in Aries arrive in the eastern sky on March 26th at 11:07 E.S.T. Aries is a ‘cardinal’ sign, meaning it is energetic, spirited, creative and with invigorating innovation.  This really is the New Moon to get things started with a flash! Time to finish cleaning up the altar and really pulling out all the bright reds, vibrant pinks, and touches of golds in your altar cloths. Polish up those brass candlesticks and luxe your love altar UP! This is the time to burn love drawing candles with enthusiasm and is very, VERY favorable for making changes and bringing in new beginnings! If you want LOVE, now is the TIME! Make sure to add a red rose and a few sinful chocolates to round out the passion altar. Aries is also an excellent time to activate a saving budget and money making ideas. The power of Mars will make sure things go through for you. Keep green Money Drawing/Prosperity/Wealthy Way candles fo the next 21 days CONTINUIOUSLY if you are a serious contender in the money department this year! Remember to open your window and shout it out, shout it proud “Prosperity is Mine in 2009!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Order your Lucky Mojo”Follow Me Boy” and “Follow Me Girl” Condition Anointing Oils at www.lucky13clover.com...

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