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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Court Case/ Drop Charges – Influence Judge Brown Candle Spell... While this court case brown candle spell is very detailed and will need a lot of work to do, it has been successful for many people. It requires a brown candle for each key player in the proceedings and a white candle to represent yourself. Ingredients 1 White glass 7- day Novena Candle 1 Brown glass 7-day Novena Candle for each key player in the case (i.e. Judge, District Attorney or Attorney for other side, Arresting Officer, Your Attorney, etc.) Your number will vary. 1 package loose Pipe Tobacco 1 piece of White Paper 2 X 4 inches for each candle (your number may vary) Copy (not Original) of...
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  • Free Candle Spells | New Moon in Taurus – A Solar Eclipse as Well!...   The New Moon in Taurus occurs on May 9, 2013 at 7:28 E.S.T. The energy of the Moon when in the astrological sign of Taurus is considered to be a “Fixed” Earth sign. This means that it is practical, stable, protective and materialistic. Along with the energies of a New Moon, there is also a Solar Eclipse occurring which highlights things happening in your life at the same time last Fall, so if there were no resolutions made then, these issues will return to challenge you again.It has been six months since SuperStorm Sandy, so let’s hope there are no major weather occurrences this time. In a nutshell,...
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Free Candle Spells|What www.free-candle-spells.com is About

Greetings Readers! I want to touch base on the purpose of the www.free-candle-spells.com blog. This blog is dedicated to sharing different candle burning techniques and offering successful spells to share with one another. This blog is not to give a consultation to any particular problem such as second guessing another spiritual workers intentions, spells or trying to obtain a free consultation. That is what consultations are all about. This blog is to ask why your candle burned in a weird shape or why the candle glass blackened and cracked. It is a place that you can ask if you should use John the Conqueror, Queen Elizabeth Root, Wasp’s Nests or any other botanical, mineral or zoological to your spell work. The Free Candle Spells blog is for love candle spells, money candle spells, success candle spells, how to keep someone quiet, court case candle spells, and a few different variations on honey jar candle spells. Lastly, the intention of this blog is to also promote other readers, spiritual workers and healers in your area by their advertising on the Free Candle Spells site. There are a few places left in the blog available for others to advertise their gifts. Please contact me through the “Ask a Question” page regarding advertising rates. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit www.tarotbyjacqueline.com for a confidential consultation and tarot...

Reader Questions | Using Foreign Money in Prosperity Candle Spells

A reader asks about foreign money and its’ use in money drawing candle spells. Thanks for the great question! Dear Jacqueline, I am not sure if you already answered this on your free candle spells site but I do remember you mentioning something about using foreign money in prosperity spells. I am not sure if you could elaborate on your blog if you think this could be helpful for others on this subject. I just found a bag of foreign money that my mother had of francs, etc. and was wondering how I might go about utilizing that in a money and prosperity spell for others and myself? I was trying to google and search on how to use it but didn’t find anything. Thanks Jacqueline!!!! With appreciation, Lisa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Collecting coins and money from far away lands has been a quirky hobby of mine and I guess it might not be so kooky as when I ‘googled’ myself, a lot of others do it, too! I love the details on some of them and I imagine what I could buy with that coin; whether I could get a piece of chocolate in France or a cup of tea in Tokyo, a steaming cup of atole in Guadalajara or a plate of kalamata olives and feta cheese in Athens. Daydreaming or just a vivid imagination? I have had a bag of coins in my closet for years that were collected from odd trips to Mexico, garage sales and gifts from friends who were fortunate enough to travel to far away lands and once I became a serious candle spell maker, I brought them out to use in prosperity candle spells for my money altar. As many of you know, I am also involved with a few other spirituality based businesses and have clients all over the world, so using non-US paper money and coins makes sense to draw clients from all over. I have then in two specific places on my money altar. The first place is in an oil lamp that I have not finished creating and have not found the type of oil that I would like to use without having the residual aroma lingering in the room (my personal money altar is on my side of the bedroom in the ‘wealth’ corner (feng shui style) of the room), along with my bookcase of spiritual knowledge. I placed a few foreign coins in the base or resevoir section (where the oil goes)(far left photo) and placed a large lodestone in there as well. Now even though this is not lit, it is still in the far corner of the altar with a ‘wealth’ feng shui mirror hanging from a wishbone balanced precariously on edge of the hurricane lamp part of the lamp (don’t ask how this happened to be; the wishbone just ‘landed’ there by inspiration)(center photo). The second place where I use foreign money is in my large crystal bowl in the center of my altar (see far right photo). In the bottom of my bowl, I have a layer of foreign coins, which I covered with a petition paper then kosher salt, shredded greenbacks (paper money) and topped with two large lodestones (one is my older one, one is new) that are covered with magnetic sand to attract more money. In the back of the bowl, I have tucked a copy of my current advertising mailer, plus a $1.00, $5.00, $10.00 and $20.00 bill across the card under my face. To the left, you can see a framed picture of some of the original stocks with some Chinese coins on a red card (red for...

Full Moon In Scorpio | May 8, 2009 – Past Hurts Surface, Accidents Abound!

Full Moon In Scorpio | May 8, 2009 – Past Hurts Surface, Accidents Abound!     The Full Moon in Scorpio occurs at 11:02 pm E.S.T. on Friday, May 8, 2009. Watch out for some emotional fireworks! Old hurts and emotional pain of facing the truth and being stung by the words from sharp tongues will be vocalized during this time. Take care not to fling it on your Mom during her special day. This is an emotional Full Moon and coupling it with Mercury being in Retrograde mode from May 7th to May 30th, we are not always going to say the right things at the right time. Be careful not to speed in a haste or anger and use caution with machinery. Keep a level head during projects and do not let impatience get the best of you. The Full Moon in Scorpio is in a “Fixed” water sign, meaning it is stable, unchangeable and emotional. This is the time to plan but not execute secret spells (ones that no one knows about) as the intended victim will retaliate and fight back, thwarting the outcome. Check for vulnerable parts of their psyche and devise your plan, choose and blend your oils and powders, and calculate for a better time of beginning this spell at the end of this lunar period. Light a blue candle dressed with “Peaceful Home” anointing oil to bring all family members together in harmony during this emotion Full Moon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Did you know that Chinese Wash, a blend of Asian grasses and oils, is reputed to be one mighty negativity cleaner? Lemongrass is just one of the fragrant oils in this little bottle of funk and junk remover. Just dilute a wee bit in a basin or tub of water and wipe down everything – bookcases, tables, walls, light switches and floors. Leaves you home feeling lighter and an easier place to dwell. Purchase Lucky Mojo Chinese Wash at www.lucky13clover.com...

Readers Question|What Candles to Burn for Child Support?

A reader writes: Hi Jacqueline, I have a question about what spell or spells I should use to get my ex-husband to pay child support. Here is a little more about the situation. I have a restraining order on my ex-husband, which he has violated many times. I have an open case with child support service and he is on locate status. I have some information on where he is living and that he may very well be working. The problem is that if I report it and child support services finds him and makes him pay I don’t want him coming after me or the children. He knows where I work, but not where I live. He has violent tendencies, this guy is really not right in the head. All I want is the child support for my children, so I can better provide for them and I want the ex-husband to stay far away from us and leave us alone. Thank you for your time and help. Let me know if you need any more info from me. Suzanne Before we talk about candles, why do you think he would know that it was from you that the child support services would locate him? Remember, employers are required to report all employees wages in three month blocks of time. Not only that, does he have proof that maybe a detective didn’t find him? No, but of course, he will think it was you turning him in. Pity the poor fool because once you procreate then you pay until that child is 18 years old. Period. ‘Nuff said. Now, will he understand that, maybe not. He has ‘vendetta’ in his mind – you towards him and he towards getting you back. I, as a mother, have walked down this path and am still continuing to do so, so I know. One little bit of relief is that these dollar figures roll over each month WITH INTEREST, but that doesn’t help with the childrens’ needs  right now. That’s OK with me, because I know he is dumb enough to ‘surface’ in about three years, when our last child turns 18, and then I will have a few years of Federal Income Tax being captured to reimburse me for all my efforts. Remember, you may wait for the money but you’ll get the money eventually. I was told by one representative that an elderly lady brought in a $65,000 check to the office, claiming ‘ it must have been a mistake’. They told her that her ex had sold his house, and since they had a lien on the property, captured her money before he got the final check. The clerk told me that the lady said her children were in their thirties and she didn’t know what to do with it. The clerk said she was told to go on a long vacation. The lady balked a bit but then was given the suggestion to spend a little but then set up college funds for the grandchildren. Obviously, the lady ‘made do’ or ‘got by’ with what she made on her own, but this was her money since she sacrificed for so many years while ex went on his merry way. Regarding the restraining order, you need to call the police EACH AND EVERY TIME he violates – and you had better not be luring him into a trap by calling him over. Once he has violated enough, harsher charges will be levied against him. Alert the security personnel at your place of employment and call the police – become a pest, if need be – if he comes...

Readers Question – Mixing Traditions with Honey Jars and Candle Spells

Readers, you be the judge! Hi Jacqueline! i lit up a candle for a love binding. the candle goes on top of a jar filled with honey, plant root, herbs, sand and cut out personal belongings such as pubic hair, pictures, pillow case to say the least… the work is for oshun. today is the fifth day which is oshuns favorite #. as i lit it the flame was high but nothing drastic. i also put some john the conquer incense. as i prayed the flame became even higher. it was amazing. the top of the wick became like a little black ball then the flame became almost bigger then the candle itself. all of a sudden the candle fell off the top of the jar. when i put it back the fire was still very high. and the wick had a little gold spark at the tip which turned into another little black ball. once the candle finished it left thick drip wax marks on top. i wish i would have taken a picture. nothing close has happened in the 4 days prior. i feel like the work may be kicking in but as far as the candle falling maybe my boyfriend resisting the actual work. what do you think? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK…here’s my honest opinion (and I guess that is why you asked me, right?) First, I am confused as to why to mixed traditions to make a honey jar (without listing herbs and roots) and making it an offering to Ochun? READERS: Ochun is the Yoruba goddess of love, sexuality, gold, prosperity and all the sweet things in life. Honey is her favorite offering of food – but there are others. Her offerings are done in a series of 5 – with this being the number associated with her – and today (Tuesday, April 21, 2009 would technically be the ‘fifth’ day of the candle burn). Ochun ( pronounced “oh-CHOON”) is sometimes spelled Oshun with an ‘s’ BUT there is no “sh” (like in ‘shell’) in the Yoruban pronunciation of her name. There is another God, Osun (pronounced “oh-SOON”) which also sometimes is confused with Ochun/proper pronounciation. The “sh as in shell” pronounciation is strictly latter day Latino-influenced pronounciation. The thing that sounds quirky to me is that you are using a Conjure/Hoodoo/Rootwork practice (honey jar) and the Lukimi/Santeria practice of offerings to a Yoruba goddess? Are you familiar to the religion Lukimi/Santeria? Are you well studied in Conjure/Hoodoo/ Rootwork? Why mix practices? For me, the candle falling off would be an indication of a non-acceptance of the offering or things will not work out as planned. The ultimate decision maker will be the boyfriends reaction to you. You will either see a heightened response to you in a more loving and sexual way or he will be acting the same. Since there is no indication of roots and herbs named in your letter, I have no idea if they are the appropriate ones to use for you particular situation. Using the John the Conqueror incense is definitely a Conjure/Hoodoo/Rootwork thing. You state that you ‘feel like the work may be kicking in’ then go with your feelings and watch for signs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The www.free-candle-spells.com blog site is for general questions about candles- their behavior, which oils to use on them and for spells – both mine that I have created and also yours to share. This site is not for consultation work, of which I do and I charge. Please keep your questions to candles specifically and do not ask me to second guess another spiritual workers work – that is for you to decide whether...

New Moon in Taurus | April 24, 2009 – Practicality vs. Self Worth and Society

The New Moon begins its visit in the sign of Taurus on Friday, April 24, 2009 at 10:24 pm E.S.T.  In this lunation, the New Moon is in the ‘fixed’ sign of Taurus, which is stable, practical and is materialistic. The Moon in Taurus emphasizes practical finances and obtaining your  possessions in a well thought out game plan. Make sure your gains and purchases are not ego driven, but are purchased because of practical reasons and not to stroke the ego or appease society’s vision of you and your worth. This is especially a good time to burn candles for anything new on a larger scale – like a home or a car – something large and substantial.  This is not the best time to burn candles for added “quick and fast money” as the point-of-view of the Taurus Moon is ‘slow and steady moving towards your goal’. Picture oxen in a yoke, neither one can run but it is the methodical, pace of working and saving that brings you financial freedom. You may find lenders have ‘deaf ears’ when hearing your pleas for lending you money at this time. More people born under Taurus are in the banking and financial services than you would believe and they are the ‘savers’ of the astrology world....

Insightful and Honest Tarot Card Readings by Jacqueline

Using Obi divination while reading with the Tarot of the Orishas, Jacqueline offers insightful and clear solutions to your matters of love, prosperity and success. Jacqueline also creates custom candle spell kits, oils, mojo bags and love charms for you. For more information on what Jacqueline can do for you, please go to: www.tarotbyjacqueline.com...

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