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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Taurus – Caution with Financials!...     The Full Moon occurs at 3:17 pm E.S.T. on Tuesday, November, 10, 2011. This Full Moon, in the zodiac sign of Taurus the Bull, is considered a “Fixed” Earth sign. This mean that the astrological energy of this Moon is stability, materialistic, protective and practical. Lighting white candles for Healing and Blessing and also Protection, anointed with Fiery Wall of Protection Oil, is strongly suggested at this time. This Moon is not a good time to light candles to obtain anything new, as the energy is about “holding back” and “withdrawal”. The sign of Taurus seem to have an affinity for banks and banking and ask any...
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Free Candle Spells | Interview with a Candle Maker – Pt. 2

Stan Morey, creator of Wizard Candles , has been gracious enough to answers some questions regarding candles and such. It is an honor to ask an artisan who works with these materials and substances on a daily basis to give us a different perspective on candles and spiritual work. FIRST QUESTION: Since you told us that you are also a spiritual practitioner, do you have some basic candle preparation techniques to share? According to my training in the English Tradition, and as I understand most traditions in the Craft follow these ideas,  The first thing one would do with a blank candle is scribe or draw glyphs (symbols), or their intention for the candle in some magickal alphabet (Elder Futhark  is quite popular, but you can Google and find several other rune styles that are True-Type fonts that you can download, usually for free, and work it on paper in Word or whatever word processing software you might have to print it out first to use as a guide).  The scribing should be done with the atheme, or a crystal, or even a bamboo skewer, cut to a comfortable length to carve the symbols into the wax.  Up or Down, Clockwise (Deosil, pronounced “Jess-ill”) or Counterclockwise (Widdershins) only matters in how you are shaping the energy in the first place.  After you are done with that, clean off any residual bits of wax and you are ready to anoint or “dress” the candle.   This is done to charge the candle with your energy and connected it more directly to you and your thought energy.  The easiest way to do this is to take a little oil that you use for this purpose (essential oils work best) and put some in the palm of your receptive hand (the one you don’t use to eat or write with).  Take the candle in your “Power” or dominant hand, wrap your oiled hand around it and starting about half-way or in the middle of the candle, gently pull and twist (going “deosil” (Jess-il) or clockwise) until you reach the end, focusing your thought or intention as you do.  Note:  It’s very helpful to visualize the end result as though it has already happened or more like a memory and you’re just catching up to the event.  Then turn the candle around and do the same to the other half.  Your candle is dressed and ready to go!  Always burn your candle in a heat proof holder, and never burn it unattended!!!  If you have one of those candle holders with a round base, put a ring of table or sea salt around the candle to shield it from stray energies that could “muddy up”  the waters of your work, so to speak.  If you don’t have one of these kinds of holders, just a holder on a saucer with a salt ring works just as well.  When you are ready to use the candle, put it somewhere where it won’t be disturbed or bumped into during the burning.  Every so often, like every 5-10 minutes, check on it and send your thought energy to it. SECOND QUESTION: Can you share with us a positive outcome to one of your candle burnings? (Identities kept Secret) I sometimes have burned a specific candle for inspiration (red) when writing poetry, or other things and it works fairly well so far.  Since most of my magick work is done by direct thought energy and intention,  I don’t use that much pyromancy (fire magick) in my workings.  I have noticed, for example, that if I’m doing some form of divination, (like Tarot, Runes, or even D and D...

Free Candle Spells | Interview with Wizard Candles candlecrafter Pt. 1

Readers, I know from your e-mails and questions that you have concerns about the different candles that are available today to use for your candle spell rituals. I thought it would be best to go to the source, someone who is in the field of candle making. This is part one of a three part interview with Stan Morey, artisan and owner of Wizard Candles. He is a frequent exhibitor at area psychic conventions and metaphysical fairs, and is a wonderful resource for all kinds of candle burning questions. FIRST QUESTION: The Catholic Church rules that the candles used in Mass are to be at least 51% beeswax.    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using beeswax candles or beeswax-blend candles for candle ritual work? As far as I can tell, there are few, if any problems with beeswax or a blend.  Most traditions agree that your tools should be made of natural materials, so beeswax and soy fill that need.  In fact, we have several kinds of candles that are made with this blend that is hand measured. The advantage to beeswax is that’s it’s long burning and mostly self consuming leaving very little, if any residual wax.  Also, it’s almost dripless, depending on the air movement around the candle.  The stiller the air, the straighter the burn. SECOND QUESTION: What about using soy candles for ritual work? What are the advantages of using these?   Are they really healthier for use in chapels or small enclosed ritual spaces? Soy has the same advantages as beeswax.  It’s natural, clean burning, and long burning, in most cases.  There are fewer by-products that you get from refined paraffin, which is a petroleum-based product, so it is believed to be a cleaner, “greener” wax. THIRD QUESTION: The 7-day novena/vigil candles in glass that we used to get from the local markets do not burn for 7 days anymore.    Do you have any idea?    Is there something we can do? I have not really used those kinds of candles, but I would think that they changed things to cut cost and improve the profit-margin.  As to the burn, I think, perhaps, the wax blend has changed.  From what to what, I couldn’t really tell you, I’m not a chemist.  But I do know that the wick is far too thin for the diameter of the wax.  So it cannot “suck up” the liquid wax pool at the base of the flame fast enough to consume at a consistent rate.  Also, with a cylindrical container, there is the problem of oxygen deprivation when the candle flame gets to half-way or below.  The heat pushes the air up faster than it can be replaced.  Also, any air movement across the mouth of the container creates a vacuum effect and suck the air away from the fire.  So in those cases, the flame either drowns or suffocates. FOURTH QUESTION: Asking from a purely technical standpoint, what would cause candles to go out by themselves? (Ruling out any spiritual things). Fire needs three things to survive, air, heat, and fuel.  Take away any one of those and the fire dies.  It’s called the “Fire Triangle”.  Humans are similar with a triangle of mind, body, and spirit.  Too much air movement around the candle or its container causes either the air to be sucked away from the flame (suffocation) or it bends the flame to the side, causing the sides to melt away faster than the middle around the wick.  Usually, depending on the wick’s thickness, a pool and then as it continues to burn, a well of liquid wax will form around the base of...

Triple Strength Money – Success – Fast Luck Drawing Candle Spell

Triple Strength Money – Success – Fast Luck Drawing Candle Spell This candle spell uses three anointed and blessed candles in the colors designated for money drawing super power. Red is the traditional colors for “fast luck” and drawing money for games of chance and other winnings-type money areas. White is the candle color associated with success in mental clarity in dealing with business matters and achievement in knowledge or testing that gives you a raise. Green is the old-tyme color of all types of money, wealth and prosperity drawing candle burning spells. Here is how you create some powerful money drawing candle spells to help you take care of your family and advance your life. INGREDIENTS: 1 Green glass 7-day ‘novena type’ candle 1 White glass 7-day ‘novena type’ candle 1 Red glass 7-day ‘novena type’ candle 1 bank deposit slip from your checking account with your signature signed in red ink and an amount you would like to bring into your home every month (i.e. $2000.00 ) 1 large Pyrex glass pie pan or large dinner plate (large enough to hold three candles) 1 bottle of “Fast Luck” Condition or Anointing Oil 1 bottle of “Money Drawing” Condition or Anointing Oil 1 bottle of “Crowning Glory” or “Crown of Success” Condition or Anointing Oil Lemon Juice or Florida Water Box of Sea Salt First, clean the candles with lemon juice to ‘cut and clear’ our all factory dirt and any negativity. You may also use Florida Water in the same manner. Clan the outside of the glass container, the inside glass lip, the top of the wax and the wick. Make sure there are not impurities that has embedded itself in the candle wax. Set aside to dry. Write on the deposit slip the amount of money you would like to have coming into your home on a monthly basis. Consider your current sources of income and a little bit more. Write that number on the deposit slip, adding dollar signs at each corner, and sign it as if paying yourself, with a red ink pen. Place in the center of the Pyrex pie plate or large glass plate. Cover the deposit slip with sea salt. Pray over the salt before adding candles (salt does what you tell it to do). Use the Psalm 23 (“The Lord is my Shepherd” or “Our Father”). Anoint the white candle with “Crowning Glory” or “Crown of Success” Condition oil. Place white candle at the “12 o’clock” position. Anoint the green candle with the “Money Drawing” Condition Oil and place the green candle at the “4 o’clock” position. Anoint the red candle with “Fast Luck” Condition oil and place the red candle at the “8 o’clock” position (see photo). Light candles, preferably on a Sunday morning as the sun is rising or on a New Moon, when it is the time for ‘bringing in’ good things such as prosperity, money, opportunities and love! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Order all the products listed above from www.lucky13clover.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit Jacqueline’s website at www.tarotbyjacqueline.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

New Moon in Gemini | May 24, 2009 – Understanding and Communication

This New Moon in Gemini occurs at 8:12 am E.D.T on Sunday, May 24, 2009. The Gemini Moon is a “Mutable” Air sign, meaning it can fluctuate between activity and passiveness, especially in the matters of logic, the powers of the mind and the intellect. This is an excellent time for preparing your candle burning spells and making sure you have all the right ingredients. Re-think the instructions given to you and also reconsider other options. Now is the best opportunity for candle charging and infusing as your mental powers of creativity are at their highest capacity. This is the time to use logical thinking and keep emotions to a minimum. If your students are taking their finals exams as they do at this time of the year, give them a boost by burning a yellow “Crown of Success” or “Crowning Glory” candle on their behalf on their exam days. Clean the candle as usual with lemon juice and anoint with “Crown of Success” or “Crowning Glory” condition and anointing oil and write their name and the name of the exams or the name of the teacher on a piece of white paper and place it under the candle. Always remember to place a lit candle in a fire proof dish. You can purchase your Crown of Success products at www.lucky13clover.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whether it is a mojo bag, love charm, condition oil or custom blended oil, order all your candle burning needs  at Lucky Clover Spiritual Supply. Click here to go to their website!...

Free Candle Spells | When NOT to Attempt Any Candle Burning Spells

Free Candle Spells | When NOT to Attempt Any Candle Burning Spells There are many reasons why a person would want to use the influence of a candle flame to bring about the desired change in a person or situation. Lighting a petition flame, candle, oil lamp or even a burnt offering has been considered normal and even sacred since the Old Testament. In the olden times, people made offerings of the finest Olive Oil for a perpetual lamp to be lit for their benefit for a good harvest, easy childbirth (for their wife or daughter), for thankfulness, for happiness and for many other, personal reasons. the same holds true today. We burn candles or oil lamps for a particular feast day or Saints’ Day; for prosperity, for money, for thanks for blessings received, for continued success in life, and so on. The list nowadays can go on forever. There are times, however, when you should err on the side of caution in burning a candle to evoke change in a situation. To light a candle could potentially, exasperate or worsen the condition. Here are some reasons to wait to burn a candle for a situation: Number 1 (and probably the most logical reason) – You are being coerced or forced to burn a candle by someone who has given you a reading and claims that their $150.00 candle will do the trick. A good, ethical reader, spiritual worker, conjurer or root worker should NEVER charge you a week’s worth of wages for a candle. If you are faced with the situation, tell them you have to go check your bank balance and then GET THE HECK OUTTA THERE! Look, I burn candles for clients all the time (I charge $13.00), and the candle’s cost, the oil that I apply, my time I spend with the candle and sending you a photo and update on its’ actions have been reasonably thought out and it is a big, bad NO-NO to cheat someone because you will then be cheated. So, once again, if you are faced with the possibility of paying any more than a weeks worth of groceries for a spiritual candle to be burned in your behalf, please reconsider the service. Number 2 (maybe almost equally as important) – Don’t do something that you’ll regret later. If you are mad because you just found out that the lying, stinkin’ dawg that you have been working so hard to support has been partying with those low-down-debil-dawgs next door, your emotions are going to be haywire and you will throw out all sorts of negative energies that once you place a light to a flame with all that swirling around inside and around you; this is some heavy stuff that you will never change. Do you remember that some of you were taught to never point your finger or jab the air in front of someone when you are mad as hell and yelling at them? Same thing; you are cursing them. Then later, when you find out that the one you are all mad about went over to fix the broken water faucet (or else the place would have flooded), then you got a whole lot of ‘spiritual backpedaling’ to do. That’s when you start doing Reversible candles, Back Off, Jack or Return to Me Candle Spells because you are trying desperately to undo the things you done placed on them! Number 3 (every thirty days or so) – Your period. Period. Some spiritual workers, depending on their belief system, may or may not do any readings, consultations or magical work during those few days when everything goes on the fritz. There just isn’t enough soy milk on the planet to...

Readers Questions | Why Isn’t My Love Candle Spell Working?

          A reader asks why her candle isn’t bringing her man closer. We investigate why…   Dear Jacqueline, I have been burning a candle for this guy that I am crazy about doesn’t seem to work! One week, he is close to me and acting like we are it, then the next week he is distant or can’t come see me for some reason. I think I am doing something wrong. Can you help me determine if this candle spell is going to work? Thanks! Stephanie * * * * * * * There are really four major things that occur when you try a candle spell and it doesn’t seem to work. Ruling out candles that were a ‘bad pour’, too much oil and herbs in the candle, being in a drafty area, the cat, your roommate or family member with a fear of fire – the list can go on and on. Here are more ‘magickal’ reasons for your unsuccessful candle spells. The first thing is to rule out the physical: something in your preparation caused you to do something wrong, either applying the oils without enough conviction, using the ‘wrong’ products or substituting something, you were not in the right ‘frame of mind’ or you had other factors (like a menstrual period) that was affecting your energy, or you are going about the wrong way to ‘fix’ the problem. This happens most of the time with new candle workers or people with little candle burning experience. A second reason for candle burning failure can be ‘overworking’ the spell (as I call it); this is akin to ‘obsessing’ about it to the point that your mind races with the thought of the outcome and you begin to talk about what you are doing to friends. You may begin to think, ‘Well, maybe if I had used THIS instead of THAT…’ or nit-picking your choices of products. This stress of over thinking your processing and activation of the candle will not only ‘drive you nuts’, but will also undo what you wanted to happen in the first place. You need to calm yourself and just DO IT; anoint the candle with your best intentions, use your spiritual products as you first thought would work and leave it be. You can ‘tweak’ the recipe after this candle is done. This type of candle failure is the most common with people who do candles for themselves. Another reason that your candle might be working willy-nilly (sometimes they do, sometimes they won’t) is you are under some opposition – either by a rival for his attentions or someone who has it out for YOU! Remember the old Staples’ Singers song, “Smiling Faces” (‘Smiling faces sometimes pretend to be your friends. Smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within. (Can you dig it)”). You wouldn’t believe who is against you – your BBF, your Mom, Sister, the girl that works with you, HIS Mom, Sister, other females who want him. The list can be endless, but not to fret; just do your candle work and KEEP QUIET! On the weeks that the candles are acting funny, weak, going out, etc., just re do, bolster with a white candle, burn a second candle right up against the first – WHATEVER – to keep it going. Last but not least is maybe you are just not supposed to be with him. God and your Angels knows the end of your ‘story’ (life) and maybe this man might bring you unhappiness, strife or something even more evil – and God is telling you that ‘it just ain’t so’ when...

Free Candle Spells | Readers Questions | Using Candle Spell for Court Case (Divorce) Proceedings

Free Candle Spells | Readers Questions | Using Candle Spell for Court Case (Divorce) Proceedings                         A reader asks for help. (This letter has been corrected for spelling errors)   Hi Jacqueline, My soon to be ex-husband is making my life crap.   I’ve been separated for nearly 3 years and he still has a hold over my emotions!! We have a gorgeous little girl of 4 yrs. I left him due to his controlling behavior & drinking. I’ve burned umpteen bits of paper with hope of moving on to no avail. I’ve bought a black candle as last resort & I am going to get the separation agreement (copy) and write something on it in hope of him finding another love to move on and to stop him tormenting me. Please help xx Louise (last name removed to protect the family) * * * * * * * Louise, You are on the right track but a bit off – like a recipe that is lacking something. First, if he is not living with you, then he cannot bother you. You must clarify something because first you say he is your soon to be ex, meaning that things are already going through the courts, then the separation papers…so I am confused on the legal matters. The only reason why you would want to burn a black candle on the papers is to get the job DONE – so the question is: who is stalling the process? If he is controlling, and he is not living with you, how can he control you? Let me give you two scenarios and things that you can do for the situation: Situation Number One: (he is living with you while you are getting the divorce) – Get your own apartment. If this is not financially feasible, move in with family. You need to physically get away from him as much as possible in order for any candle spell to work. If this is not possible – force him to move. Get a few wasps nests, some burnt charcoal, red crushed peppers, dirt from a grave and doggie doo-doo (yes, I am serious), dry it out in the sun, making sure you spend a few minutes a day with a magnifying glass focused on the mixture and curse the debil our of it and sprinkle it in his shoes, the floor board of his car or truck, in his bed (the bed you DO NOT sleep in) and wait for him to leave.  If this is just too funky for you to do, get some Run, Devil, Run Condition Oil and sprinkle it in his shoes every day when he is not using them. Burn the same oil on a red and a black glass candle with his picture wedged in between them. Spend some time every day standing in front of the candle cursing and swearing at it (as if the candles were really him); telling him to hit the road, Jack. Use brown court case candles on top of a copy (not the original) of the Court documents. You can anoint this with a little Crown of Success Anointing Oil and sprinkle a little tobacco in around the top of the candle. Make sure you follow directions on proper cleaning and anointing of your candles.     Situation Number Two: (you are living elsewhere but the divorce is not going anywhere) – Time to put on the ‘brass brassiere” and get to work!  You must attend each and every Court proceeding and appear to want to ‘make peace’ with the other party – ESPECIALLY WHEN THERE IS A CHILD INVOLVED – each parent has to...

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