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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Free Candle Spells | Full Moon in Libra – Patience and Caution!... The Full Moon in Libra will occur at 2:19 pm E.S.T on May, 6, 2012. The astrological sign of Libra, the Scales, is considered a “Cardinal” Air sign, meaning that the energy of this planet is innovative, intellectual and inspiring.  During this Moon’s lunation, use caution with flammable liquids and materials and exercise caution with driving and in sports. Networking will be a common thread theme during this Moon phase but take a patient and cooperative stance on others needs and opinions, especially in the realm of personal relations. The Full Moon is a traditional time to burn candles for Reversing and “sending away” any negative energies. The Full...
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Free Candle Spells | How Many Candles Should I Burn for Change?

            From time to time, I sit and post something that is candle burning spell related, but has no actual spell or ingredients in it. This is one of them. Enjoy and ponder. A question that is repeated frequently to me and as I am sure, to other spiritual workers is this: How many candles should someone burn to make changes to a situation or a person? There are many factors that go into a calculated guess (because that is really what it is) on how long someone should burn candles for a person or enact change in something. It depends on the situation. Let’s take money as an example. I use this a lot when conversing with clients considering candle burning. How often to you need money? Only on June 27th? Only for Christmas 1999? No, the answer is more likely to be always, which it is a fact – people need money constantly – for clothing, food, shelter, children, transportation, vices (yes, that too, whether it is chocolate or cigarettes!) and what have you. So, it would be in a person’s best interest to burn a green money drawing, wealthy way or prosperity candle constantly in the home in order to continuously bring money in the house. Your cost: Green candles at the grocery store, a couple of dollars for some money drawing oil and your time and energy. Your benefits? Let’s see – talk of gas stretches for whole week (how did THAT happen?), scanned price is wrong at store so you get item free (whoopie!), someone takes you out to lunch or dinner (one meal free), girlfriend pays you back for something you got her last time you were out (she’s a keeper in the friend department) or you get a gift card from Starbucks (lattes for your secret passion days), as well as the regular things like you have something left in the bank at the end of the month. These are examples of money drawing candle spell power. Let’s take a relationships that has been broken up for some time. First, you have to consider what was the reason for the breakup and the severity of the offense (out drinking with the friends and getting pulled over or just plain ole’ cheating) and if that is morally acceptable for you or not (that is your own heart talking). So for sake of the article, we will say you have considered to get back with the other person. There are STILL other factors you may have not considered. First, is the other person around and/or can you contact them? What about their attitude (if you have been able to contact them?) Are they still hurting or have moved onto another person? IS there another person? Is there influential family members or friends that may be ‘stirring the pot’, so to speak? OK, so maybe you have already considered all these ideas as well and let’s say you have seen enough validation to go forth with the candle spell. Next consideration is the cost. We all know that love don’t pay the rent and you have to factor this additional expense into your monthly budget. There are many fine spiritual workers around, but my warning to you is this; IF YOU ARE PAYING MORE THAN A WEEK’S WORTH OF GROCERIES FOR EACH CANDLE BEING BURNED FOR YOU YOU MUST RUN LIKE A BAT OUT OF HELL! (I am talking about the gypsy scam artists). These are the people who say things like “100% Guaranteed! My candles cost $100.00 but they always work”, or “Don’t worry my dear, we WILL get...

Free Candle Spells | Black Candle Spell for an Enemy

Free Candle Spells | Black Candle Spell for an Enemy Warning! If you are a bit squeamish – this spell is not for you! It is about those who have been done wrong so badly that it is time that a little Justice is administered – one way or ‘tuther! This candle spell is for an enemy – not someone who just gets into your business, is a nosy neighbor or just doesn’t know when to stop pestering you. This black candle burn spell is for those who have actually came after you and attempted or succeeded in causing you loss of face in the community, loss of income, loss of property or loved ones or because they have been nothing but trouble since they and you have crossed paths. I am talking about those who have cheated you purposely, those who have lied and caused you a loss of something, those who have took something or yours and will not make amends. Maybe this is someone like a jealous ex who is trying to break up your current relationship. This could also be someone who has broken into your home, stole your car or wallet, or just has nothing to do but try to take you down. There is something to be said about how the ancient peoples in the Old Testament took care of things – no turning the other cheek, no Sir! It was eye for an eye, and those who did wrong got their come-uppance! The first thing you must consider even before purchasing anything to do with this spell is: Is this black candle spell justified? I am talking about you having nothing to do with ‘egging’ it on or making comments that inflame the other person to incite them to do something wrong to you. This is about working through your conscience and making absolutely sure – may lightning strike you if you lie – that you did NOTHING to this person to make them do what they did to you. If you can say “Yes, Lord” to this – them you can proceed with this black candle spell. Ingredients: 1 Black 7 – day novena type Glass Candle 1 White Petition Paper Mixture of the following: Dried Snails Shells, Snake Skin (Sheddings), Crab Claws, Black Pepper, Red Pepper, Charcoal Ashes from the Fireplace, Wood Burning Stove or Barbecue, Dried Dog Dung ( Yes, doggie doo-doo – get some and dry it in the Sun in a desposible aluminum pan before pulverizing with a rock). Personal Item or Concern of the Victim (using a photo at LAST resort): This includes toenail or fingernail clippings, semen, urine, feces (these all being collected in a tissue), toothbrush bristle, hair from a hair brush, ear wax from a Q-Tip, a tissue that the victim blew their nose into, a  Band-Aid, paper napkin in which they spit, wiped their lips or left a trace of lipstick, etc. I told you this spell is not for the squeamish! 1 bottle of any of the following Anointing Oils: “Destruction Oil”, “Jinxing Oil”, “Crossing Oil”, “Do Unto My Enemies” Oil (aka “D.U.M.E.” Oil), “Revenge Oil” or “Run, Devil Run Oil”. Write your curse on the paper, with using the victim’s full name, or as much ‘identifiers’ (things that can only pertain to them). For example, “That blonde hussy at the club named Suzie with the fake weave that thinks she is the cocktail waitress of the year! White girl THINKS she’s a sistah with that Afrocentric hairdo and those big doorknocker fake gold earrings like Salt ‘n’ Pepa used to wear back in the day” (This is only an example of using identifiers; descriptive words that ‘zero in’ on the...

Black & White Candle Spell Using Psalm 109 for Vindication

For this candle spell, you would use a white 7-day novena type vigil candle in glass with your name under it and a black candle in glass with their name under it. Theory being that you want complete destruction for your enemy and purity and cleanliness for yourself – exactly what the candle colors represent. In a pinch, if no black candle can be found, use a white one for your enemy as well; just label each candle clearly so that you use the appropriate oil on the right candle. After cleaning with lemon juice, use Blessing Condition Oil on the white candle and use Revenge Condition Oil on the black candle. Psalm 109 Prayer for Vindication and Vengeance To the leader. Of David. A Psalm. 1 Do not be silent, O God of my praise. 2 For wicked and deceitful mouths are opened against me, speaking against me with lying tongues. 3 They beset me with words of hate, and attack me without cause. 4 In return for my love they accuse me, even while I make prayer for them. 5 So they reward me evil for good, and hatred for my love. 6 They say, Appoint a wicked man against him; let an accuser stand on his right. 7 When he is tried, let him be found guilty; let his prayer be counted as sin. 8 May his days be few; may another seize his position. 9 May his children be orphans, and his wife a widow. 10 May his children wander about and beg; may they be driven out of the ruins they inhabit. 11 May the creditor seize all that he has; may strangers plunder the fruits of his toil. 12 May there be no one to do him a kindness, nor anyone to pity his orphaned children. 13 May his posterity be cut off; may his name be blotted out in the second generation. 14 May the iniquity of his father be remembered before the LORD, and do not let the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before the LORD continually, and may his memory be cut off from the earth. 16 For he did not remember to show kindness, but pursued the poor and needy and the brokenhearted to their death. 17 He loved to curse; let curses come on him. He did not like blessing; may it be far from him. 18 He clothed himself with cursing as his coat, may it soak into his body like water, like oil into his bones. 19 May it be like a garment that he wraps around himself, like a belt that he wears every day. 20 May that be the reward of my accusers from the LORD, of those who speak evil against my life. 21 But you, O LORD my Lord, act on my behalf for your name’s sake; because your steadfast love is good, deliver me. 22 For I am poor and needy, and my heart is pierced within me. 23 I am gone like a shadow at evening; I am shaken off like a locust. 24 My knees are weak through fasting; my body has become gaunt. 25 I am an object of scorn to my accusers; when they see me, they shake their heads. 26 Help me, O LORD my God! Save me according to your steadfast love. 27 Let them know that this is your hand; you, O LORD, have done it. 28 Let them curse, but you will bless. Let my assailants be put to shame; may your servant be glad. 29 May my accusers be clothed with dishonor; may they be wrapped...

Full Moon in Sagittarius | June 7, 2009 – Blockages and Obstacles

The Full Moon occurs on Sunday, June 7th at 1:13 E.D.T. in the sign of Sagittarius. There is a conflict between the Moon and the planet Saturn in Virgo. This Full Moon and the upcoming New Moon on June 22nd, make for a hard month for resolutions to conflicts that have been building in recent months. If you have been waiting to do that “Jinx Breaker”, “Uncrossing”, “Road Opener” or “Reversible” Candle spell, NOW IS THE TIME! The fiery aspects of Sagittarius will add extra ‘fuel to the fire’! Sagittarius is a “Mutable” Fire sign which means that it can fluctuate from positive to negative results. It is a creative and aggressive sign. This is a good time to burn yellow-gold candles anointed with “Crown of Success” or “Crowning Glory” condition oil for guidance on furthering your education or advancement in scholastic degrees. It is also a good time to sit and schedule and plan out you self improvement plan and to set your sights for higher goals now. Order your Crown of Success oil at www.lucky13clover.com Since this lunation is fiery, lighting a white or blue candle anointed with “Peaceful Home” Condition Oil would assist in keeping feelings from being hurt and calm emotions in the home....

Free Candle Spells | Crowning Glory or Crown of Success Condition Oil Candle Spell

Free Candle Spells | Crowning Glory or Crown of Success Condition Oil Candle Spell Today in our home, as well as many families during the month of June, we are celebrating a graduation of our child. We have hopes and dreams and aspirations that circle our heads as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends watch their loved one receive their glory and honor of all the late night crams sessions and projects that took over the dining room table all those years. This is the time that a white candle should be burning, anointed with “Crowning Glory” or “Crown of Success” Condition Oil, so that all that hard work and knowledge is magnified and justified. If you have someone in your family that would be deserving of this candle, use these simple instructions to help light their path to more success and glory as they begin their journey of life. INGREDIENTS 1 White or Yellow-Gold 7-Day Glass Novena (or Vigil) Candle Lemon Juice 1 bottle of Corwning Glory or Crown of Success Condition and Anointing Oil 1 Piece of White Paper with their full name in the center and at each compass point (meaning above the name, below the name, to the left of the name and to the right of the name), write these words, in any fashion: SUCCESS , PROSPERITY, ACHIEVEMENT,  and VICTORY. Clean candle, following instructions on this site, then place name paper under candle on large plate (ire safety). Place 12 drops of either Crowning Glory or Crown of Success oil in wax top part of candle. Light candle. Pray the 23rd Psalm (“The Lord is My Shepherd”) and keep candle lit during these next few days of celebrations.Burn until candle is out, keeping the paper for future candle burning spells. Continue to honor that graduate by lighting a new candle each time you hear of exams, semesters, college courses or any other achievement-based news about them....

Advertise on Free Candle Spells and Increase your Business!

WARNING! Do not read any further if you have sufficient enough business psychic/tarot/readings business or spiritual products business! How would you like a banner ad like this one placed on a site that over 500 people visit each and everyday for advice on love candles, money spell and other metaphysical information? Psychic services are in need RIGHT NOW and if your phone is not ringing off the hook with clients seeking advice on love, money, success and happiness, then you definitely need to boost your traffic to your website or get your telephone number out where people are able to call you! For more information, please contact Jacqueline at (916) 284 – 5552 and I would be happy to speak with you....

Free Candle Spells | Interview with Wizard Candles candlemaker – Pt. 3

This is part three of our interview with Stan Morey, candle maker and owner of Wizardcraft Technologies (www.wizardcandles.com), who gives us insight about the properties of candles, the use of herbs and oils in the candles and the debate of soy vs. paraffin vs. beeswax for candles that are used in candle burning spells FIRST QUESTION: Stan, almost all candles that are burned for magical and spiritual purposes are made from paraffin and since this material is petroleum based and subject to oil price increases and environmental and health issues, could you give us some ideas on the nature of paraffin and some good advice on how to keep safe with using these candles? I would burn the paraffin candle in a fairly large area with lots of air space to dilute the particles that come off the wick in the smoke of the flame. Air movement of any kind should be minimal to allow the flame to consume the wax straight down. That way you get more value from the burning. Paraffin is a refined petroleum product made from decayed organic matter (plants, birds, dinosaurs, ex-lovers, ect.). As a result, when it burns, it releases hydrocarbons and water and scent, if it has any. Basically, I would say if you light it and a few minutes later you react to it, asthma, allergies, ect. Then burning a candle of any kind indoors or maybe outdoors would not be a good idea for you. Here is a little epiphany about the nature of paraffin that I realized a few nights ago. Oh, and by the way, it may not be the pure paraffin that’s causing the trouble. It might be whatever additives that were mixed with the wax to make it burn longer or look nicer. I have come to realize that in the 25 plus years of candle making, working with several different mediums of wax, that there are certain properties of different waxes THAT EXPLAIN why scent and color differ in the results of the pouring of these waxes. For example, the most common wax in candle making is paraffin. This is a natural petroleum product, from the earth and is a fairly stable solid fuel. The most noticeable characteristic of this wax is that as it cools in the mold, regardless of the type of mold, the wax shrinks towards the wick. I feel that the reason for this is on the molecular level. Paraffin is a long-chain hydrocarbon. So as it melts, the heat expands the spaces betwixt the molecules and within them. This is where the scent and dye molecules attach themselves. So as the wax loses heat, the space contracts and the wax pulls in on itself. This is why multi-colored “layered” candles have a day per color pouring time. If the next layer isn’t poured at a “Cold” Temperature, i.e. just around the melting point, it flows into the space left by the shrinking first pour and the mold, forming a thin coat over it. This is known as “Flashing”, and usually has to be picked off to reveal the color wax underneath. The problem with this is that if the next pour isn’t hot enough, it will not melt the surface of the hardened wax under it and WON’T “fuse” the layer to the one being poured on. So what might happen is you have layers of colored wax that separate from each other, ONLY HELD together by the wick. The taller the candle, like a pillar, the bigger the problem. Natural waxes, like soy, palm, and beeswax have shorter molecular chains, so while they too, expand in the heating, they...

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