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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
  • Readers Questions | Public Publishing of Thanks for Results... Hi I am a student of ritual studies (permit me to use that) in one of the Nigerian Universities. We were given an assignment but I don’t seem to understand the question very well. The question goes thus:- put three candles in the lowest place you have at home, inside a bowl with salt all around the candles. Ask for three wishes to your guardian angels, ST. PETER, ST. PAUL, ST. THOMAS.  Ask one wish for business, one wish for love and one impossible wish.  Publish this spell on the third day (after you requested the wishes) and see what happens on the fourth day. What I don’t really...
  • Free Candle Spells | All Spiritual Healers and Readers! Get National Recognition!... Tarot Readers, Rootworkers, Spiritual Workers!   Question 1: Do you have enough clients?   Question 2: Wouldn’t you like to increase traffic to your spiritual supplies website or have more business?   If you are already busy beyond feasibly attending to every client, then this post is not for you. Free-candle-spells.com is organizing an international directory of readers, spell casters, psychics, healers and spiritual supply businesses that will assist all readers who visit the site. With over 5,000 visitors a month, you are sure to get local recognition for your local clients! A full, one page biography of you and what you do, including photos, links to your website or...
  • Free Candle Spells Marketplace | St. Expedite Chaplet Prayer Set... Free Candle Spells Marketplace | St. Expedite Chaplet Prayer Set Saint Expedite Chaplet Set As you know, I have recently returned from a pilgrimage to the Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church on Rampart Street in New Orleans. Many of you sent in petitions to set with the petition candle for your prayers to me answered by St. Expedite, beloved New Orleans Saint reputedly to be the one to petition to bring in “things in a hurry”. I have commissioned a special Saint Expedite Chaplet for you who are especially devoted to him and regularly petition him for assistance when Fast Luck and quick assistance is needed. This special chaplet, 10 prayer beads long, is a beautiful with...
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New Moon in Cancer | June 22, 2009 – Don’t Lose Your Cool!

The New Moon on June 22, 2009  occurs at 1:12 E.S.T.  in the sign of Cancer. The sign of Cancer represents the home and hearth, security, nurturing and patriotism. Cancer is a “Cardinal” Water sign, meaning that it is emotional and energetic. The United States is ruled by Cancer, hence a double whammy meaning to festivities of the 4th of July. Security may be heightened and you may have some unknown fear of being ‘under the gun”. This is a very good time to burn candles for domination and controlling a person or situation. The Moon’s influence at this time is heightened to influence, sway or coerce others that are easily influenced. Be careful that you are not one of those people! It is also a good time to light white or yellow candles for a boost to your career and emphasize advancement in your career. Use “Crowning Glory” or “Crown of Success” Condition Oils in your candle with a petition paper with your career objective and/or salary you would like to receive. It is also an excellent time to burn a white candle with “Boss Fix” Condition Oil on your bosses’ business card and anoint your hands daily before shaking their hands, touching their doorknob to the office or mouse or telephone receiver, quietly whispering your petition to look favorably upon all you do. Our next New Moon will occur on July...

Free Candle Spells Propserity Experiment – 30 Days to a Wealthier You!

I declare ABUNDANCE, WEALTH AND PROSPERITY FOR YOU! We are about to begin our mid-year Prosperity Experiment on Monday, June 22nd, and if you haven’t joined or are hesitant on becoming a more confident, wealthier and money conscious YOU, say no more. I understand. One of our past Prosperity Experiment Altars with the green labeled candles for our participants with the Money Drawing Lodestone in center in dish. BUT, If you are ready to have 30 days of daily inspiration, daily prayer twice a day – once in the morning and once at night, receive an inspirational CD of meditations to ponder as you drive to work or the gym and receive a bottle of triple strength Money Drawing Condition Oil for you to use with your own green candles burned for money, then join now! NOTE: WE ARE READY TO BEGIN SO WE CANNOT TAKE ANY MORE ORDERS. PLEASE LOOK FOR ANOTHER OFFER SOON....

Readers Questions | Using Play Money to Boost Money Candle Spell

Readers Questions | Using Play Money to Boost Money Candle Spell Dear Jacqueline, I wonder if you might also do an article on how you use play money to boost money candle spells,how you can use them to bring in and attract money,how it works, your own tales of using it,etc. This again is another topic that I have never found any article on even though I have read a few times about it and am wondering more the tricks of the trade Thanks Jacqueline! Your Free Candle Blog is the best..and you won’t find another one like it.. Thanks! Lisa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   Funny that you sent this as I am putting the finishing touches on a weeks worth of Prosperity and Money Drawing Candle Spells and ideas to ponder. Using money, whether real or play money, has been a great visual for people to use when decorating their money altar or just to scatter around the green money drawing candle they have lit to give it ‘ambiance’. For my personal money altar, I have a Lennox crystal clam shell dish with Money Drawing Salt in it that is covering a petition paper that is being weighted down by coins from all over the world (I collect foreign money) I then have a large Lodestone on top of that with Magnetic Sand and lotto tickets and some real greenbacks poking out and around the bowl.  I have a green dollars designed fabric scarf, a Money Oil Lamp, A Green Candle plus my cash box from my various other endeavors and the bank zippered deposit envelope that is supporting the gold sprayed plastic piggy bank from the bank. I also have a framed photo of the New York Stock Exchange top twenty and a few other personal money drawing items. You would be surprised to know how much ‘funny’ money is used – and real money as well! So, placing a layer of Monopoly money or play money with Money Drawing Sigils drawn in red ink in the corners and anointed with Money Drawing Condition Oil would be a great way to layer under a piece of glass as a base for focusing your money drawing work. Good Question! Thanks for asking! J. Now onto the Money Tree idea….        ...

Readers Questions | Candle Spell for Contacting Someone

            Jacqueline, I want to get back with a certain lover that ended our relationship abruptly. What candle do I use to get him to contact me. Thank you, Lily  * * * * * * * There are a lot of factors to consider when attempting to use candle burning spells to reconnect with someone. My first question would be: How long have you been apart? That right there should be the most determining piece of information needed to create a candle spell. But, because this was not offered, I am going to assume that it has not been too long. I would take two white 7-day glass ‘novena’ or ‘vigil’ type candlesand after cleaning them, label them with the full name of yourself and the other party. Then I would get some “Spirit”, “Spirit Guide”, “Come to Me” Condition Oil or even in a pinch, olive oil that you have extended your hands over and prayed a heartfelt and sincere prayer of blessing and intention. Anoint the candles with the oil, rubbing the oil in counterclockwise to draw them back. Attache the name papers. If you have a photograph, use that as well. Take candles to an area on your desk or where your telephone is located. This spell is best to use when you can leave the telephone (or landline) alone and answer from another part of the house. However, if this is impossible or you do not have a landline but only a cellular phone, place the cell phone between the two candles as much as possible (even overnight when you are charging it) for maximum exposure. Sit the candles on either side of the telephone in flame retardant saucers (just in case). Pray over the candles again your heartfelt prayer and follow it with one of your own belief system (Hail Mary, Our Father, etc.) Light candles and keep them lit. It is also said that if you desire someone to call, you may wipe down the telephone with whiskey that has has loose tobacco steeping in it. The legend is that  Native American (almost everyone has them, right?) Spirit Guides will be attracted to the scent of the mixture and will activate the ‘spark’ to make a call happen.    ...

Mid-Year Prosperity Experiment June 22 to July 21, 2009

It is time for another Prosperity Experiment! Time to increase your wealth and happiness! So what IS the Prosperity Experiment? It is a period of 30 days in which I burn green money drawing candles for your intentions and financial desires.It is a time where you have someone working for you exclusively for your financial benefit. We will start on the next New Moon on June 22, 2009. New Moons are for ‘bringing in’ and ‘increase’ – just what we want for your pocketbook and bank account! It is a time where 6 green candles, properly dressed, will be burned for you and prayed over once  in the morning and once at night for you as you go about your busy day. Some of the success stories we (because the group becomes like a ‘little family’) have achieved: PAULA B. got married to the many of her dreams! SUE had a remarkable gain in her family’s business during the slow season! IVY got her website up and going and business is looking good! We have many success stories and the blessings sometimes come immediately and some have experienced residual increases in prosperity. What is it that you need? A new car? Money to cover bills? Tuition? A new job? Cash flow from various streams of income? The Prosperity Experiment is not for the faint of heart but one that you must also participate for one hour a week in prayer, wherever you are in the world, for the intentions of all. Can you do it? ** You will receive daily inspirational verses that you can tape to your monitor at work or on your steering wheel to ponder while sitting at the red light. This is a whole mind-body-spirit experience. ** You will receive a bottle of TRIPLE STRENGTH Money Drawing Oil to use on candles in the privacy of your own home. You will also receive other ‘goodies’ to inspire you to greater financial gains. ** You will have 6 green candles burned on your behalf, once every 5 days, with photos sent weekly. If this is the avenue for you to begin increasing your wealth, then click the button below and we will begin to ready you for a financial trip to a more secure tomorrow! WE HAVE BEGIN THE EVENT SO WE CANNOT TAKE ANY MORE ORDERS. THANK YOU....

Uncrossing and Jinx Removing Candle Spell

We have all been ‘there’. I call then “Whammy” Months (or weeks, or whatever). This is when the washer breaks, the check gets lost in the mail, when the cars’ brakes go out and whatever else that comes down that rains on your household. This is not the ‘normal’ things – it is a flood of constant one after the other incidents that gets you so perturbed that you just KNOW something is up. Most likely, you have been ‘crossed’ or ‘crossed up’. This can be done in various ways, either by placing a powder for you to step in, someone ‘lifting’ your shoe print to use, or by placing your name in a jar with various substances and burning candles on your name. Ironically, there are some people whose power is so strong, they only have to look at you ‘wrong’ and things go haywire. PERSONAL STORY: I have a girlfriend that I would freelance work in her flower shop and I would admire her jewelry – after all, is it from Afghanistan and the gold from the Middle East is of a different quality than ours. She would always say to me after I would praise her personal effects, “Jackie, look at your nails!” WHAAAT? Well, in Afghani tradition, if you desire something, you mark that person or item with bad luck and to ‘dissolve’ this envious eye (‘evil eye’ or ‘malocchio‘), the person making the exclamation is to look at their nails until the desire goes away. Then all ‘evil eye’ has been eliminated. An individual’s  crossed condition has been blamed by many as the source of their bad luck. The belief is that when things go from “bad to worse”, then someone has ‘crossed you up’. This appears like a stumbling block that has been placed in your path, keeping you from your friends, money, success, love, and good luck. Sometimes just burning a candle is not enough. It is when it seems that enemies, jealous neighbors and family and evil persons who do wrong have used something to change all of your good luck to bad luck. Sometimes, you can actually physically feel the weight of the work being done to you. When your intuition tells you that something is ‘up’, you are probably right and you should use the following uncrossing candle burning spell  to remove a crossed condition. INGREDIENTS: 1 7- day glass white candle or a glass “Uncrossing” Candle or a glass “Jinx Removing” Candle 1 Double Strength “Uncrossing” or “Jinx Removing” Bath Crystals 1 T. Saltpeter (can get at a pharmacy) 1 bottle Oil of Rosemary (can be obtained at health food stores in beauty section) 1 bottle of “Uncrossing” or “Jinx Removing” Condition Oil 1 Packet John the Conqueror Incense 1 Packet Church Charcoal (get at Botanica or Spiritual Supply) WARNING: DO NOT use barbecue briquettes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Put two tablespoons of the “Uncrossing” or “Jinx Removing” Bath salts in the tub with one tablespoonful of SALTPETER ( if obtained) into your bath water while the water is running, make your wish to remove all envy, jealousy and evil from you and repeat the Psalm 11, which reads: PSALM 11 In the Lord put I my trust; how say ye to my soul. Flee as a bird in your mountain? For lo, to the wicked bend their bow, they make their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart. If the foundations by destroyed, what can the righteous do? The Lord is in His Holy Temple, the Lord’s throne is in Heaven;  His eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of men. The Lord...

Readers Questions | How Do I Get the Sale of My Property Moving?

Here is a great reason for a “Road Opener” Candle Spell! Hello Jacqueline, I stumbled upon your site and found it to be very informative. Thank you for this site. I am having a slight problem and I was wondering if you could suggest a spell for me to try. I am trying to sell a property and it is very important for me to sell this property. The house has been under contract for over 60 days and after 60 days, the (name of institution removed) underwriter who kept finding problems with the loan decided she needed to redo all the paperwork because it was too old. So, the broker from (name of institution removed) sent the loan file to another bank. In the mean time, the buyers are anxious and I am worried that more problems will arise with the new bank. During the (name of institution removed) process, I lit purple candles with the psalm 115 to try and control the situation. Is there something stronger that I can do to cause this loan to close quickly?? As the sale of the property keeps being extended, I am being forced to put off the purchase of another property. I have to ask the sellers for another extension. Is there anything I can do to ensure the sellers give me the time I need to purchase their property?? Thank you so much Manda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am going to assume that you have considered or even performed the Saint Joseph ‘Sell a House’ statue and prayer ritual that has had mixed results and is published all over the Internet.  I have not used it, so I cannot vouch for its’ efficacy in selling a home. One of the ways you can get things moving is by using a“Open My Roads” (road opener) candle spell, especially when there are obstacles and blockages in your dealings with projects. Another to consider is using Saint Expedite, patron Saint of old residents of New Orleans, to ‘hurry things up’. I will discuss both of them so you can decide which one would be more to your liking. For the “Road Opener” candle spell, you would need a yellow or orange glass vigil or novena-type 7 -day candle (I have seen both colors used) for each participant PLUS a red candle in glass. In your case, I would suggest one candle for you, the property and each one of the major lenders or institutions. Take a copy of the original documents (in case of spillage) and place in large Pyrex pie pan or baking dish for fire protection. Clean all candles with lemon juice or to call in the good spirits, Florida Water. You can buy Florida Water from the local botanica and sometimes you can find it at Walmart over by the Jean Nate and Calgon bath products (go figure!). Let all candles dry. Take a white sheet of paper and briefly write your intention regarding your proposition. Lay this upon the copies and place all in bottom of Pyrex pan. Label with sticker or small piece of paper each candle for the participants (you, banks, properties, etc.) and place them equal distance around inside the dish, with the candle labeled for you at the 12 o’clock position. Anoint all with “Open My roads” (available at www.lucky13clover.com) Condition Oil and anoint the red candle with “Fast Luck” Condition Oil Your second option is to dedicate the process to Saint Expedite (San Expedito), a much loved New Orleans saint that has been reputed to be effective on bringing things to completion or fruition with a quickness. For more about him, read about the Saint...

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