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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
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Readers Questions | Public Publishing of Thanks for Results

Hi I am a student of ritual studies (permit me to use that) in one of the Nigerian Universities. We were given an assignment but I don’t seem to understand the question very well. The question goes thus:- put three candles in the lowest place you have at home, inside a bowl with salt all around the candles. Ask for three wishes to your guardian angels, ST. PETER, ST. PAUL, ST. THOMAS.  Ask one wish for business, one wish for love and one impossible wish.  Publish this spell on the third day (after you requested the wishes) and see what happens on the fourth day. What I don’t really understand in the question above is the “publish this spell on the third day (after you requested the wishes)”. What am I to publish and how am I to do that I don’t just understand. I’ll be very very grateful for your reply because I’ll be expecting it real bad. Thanks & Regards Ibrahim ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks for the question. The old adage of “Publishing after XX Days” is a form of “payment” or “dues” believed to be part of the ritual but in actuality a form of “advertisement” or “spreading the word”. It can also be viewed as a form of ‘tithe’ because you are using your money to spread the ‘word’ of that particular Saints works and prayers. In the United States and other places around the world, it is common for those who light candles and set petitions to Saint Jude (San Judas Tadeo) to also publish a word of thanks in the “Personals” section of their local newspaper. Now that most of the news has gone onto the Internet, I am not sure that this practice occurs with the frequency that it once did. Another way to let others know about a particular Saints’  mystical powers and the intercession that they did for you is to also pass out Prayer Cards with the image of the Saint, usually with an associated prayer on the back. These can be found in Catholic bookstores and supply houses on the Internet. For your particular situation, I would say something like this: “Thank you my Guardian Angels and St. Peter, St. Paul and St. Thomas for blessings received of my petitions and candles and may you continuously hold me close and protect me from Evil and grant my humble and sincere prayers of petition.” Good Luck and let us know your...

Holistic Healing Expo | Sunday, August 2, 2009 in Elk Grove, CA

Holistic Healing Expo | Sunday, August 2, 2009 in Elk Grove, CA The Holistic Healing Expo, another one of my creations, will be back on Sunday, August 2, 2009 in Elk Grove, CA. The only one of its’ kind in the Southern Sacramento County serving the communities of Elk Grove, South Sacramento, Galt, Wilton and the North Lodi, CA areas, our gifted healers and artisans bring alternative modalities and products to Soothe the Body…Heal the Heart…and Nurture the Soul. Come get an intuitive reading, have some beautiful henna applied, have your handwriting analyzed with Linda,  pick up aromatherapy products, learn about new nutritional products, listen to an informational free lecture or get your aura photo taken with Sandy DuVeau. Here are some photos of our past events! If you are in the greater Central California area and would like to visit, please register for a FREE ADMISSION PASS on the www.holistichealingexpo.com website....

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon Black Candle Spell for Revenge

Free Candle Spells | Full Moon Black Candle Spell for Revenge We are at the end of this Full Moon lunation and I wanted to share a black candle spell that I just did for a client.  This client is getting all kinds of Hell from his ex because she isn’t too happy with the choices she made for herself and decides to get her Mama to get into the biznezz over the custody of the little girl. Well, messing with a child and using Parental Alienation (the PC word for it) is just too much for me to say without curling some of the readers toe hairs, so I will be nice. 😉 INGREDIENTS: 1 7-day Novena or Vigil type Black Candle in Glass ( in this case, two candles were used) 1 Bottle of “Crossing”, “Run, Devil, Run”, Get Away Devil” or “Destruction” Condition Oil 1 Cup Mixture of Kosher Salt, Black Pepper, Red Pepper, Graveyard Dirt (and a few other no-so-fun-things) (Hey! I try to not give EVERYTHING away!) Pyrex pie plate or pan Photo of the Victim Petition Paper First, clean candles using lemon juice (see past blog posts for instructions); let dry. Place photo and petition paper in Pyrex pie plate or baking dish. Cover with mixture (see photo). Pray Psalm 109 (Vengeance) over salt mixture with hands suspended mid-air over the container with fingers spread open. Add graveyard dirt from a grave of someone who is a Protector Spirit (your grandparents, male figure, a soldier, policeman, fireman, etc.) Then I top it off with a little of my own Caribbean flavor; blowing a lit cigar (backwards – with the ‘cherry’ in my mouth)  letting the smoke shoot out the opening over the mixture and candles – just to ‘call the Spirits in’. Light the candles and let them...

Money Drawing Rituals | Silk Money Trees for your Money Altar

Making a money tree has traditions in some cultures to be created at certain times of the year but in reality, you can actually do it any time of the year. Others use a baby shower, bridal shower or housewarming party to create a money tree. No matter the reason, money trees are always a welcome gift to receive. A money tree is also a great addition to your ever-changing money altar. It is easy to create and something you can add onto as you go! First, find an old tree branch which looks like the body of a small tree. You may also choose to buy a small silk plant at your local crafts store. Remember that in the feng shui methodology, oval or round leaves represent wealth, so look for a Ficus Benjamina or a small Magnolia bush. Some people choose to decorate the bare branches, believing that the real or “fake” money symbolizes the leaves of the plant. You may choose ( as I did) that all money attached to the tree as it progresses will go towards something; meaning as you earn more money and save more money, you will attach the money to the tree for that particular reason. Mine is to be used for going to Mardi Gras. Whichever method you choose is just as good as the other. Here are some photos of my attempts to create a money tree. Then, all you need to do is pin with a stick pin or use a drop of hot glue “fake” or even real money to the tree. Some people use fish hooks to “catch” additional money but even in a pinch, scotch tape will do. Some believe that the type of artificial tree or bush that you choose have significant money drawing properties in them selves. Here is a list of those beliefs: * Juniper brings material wealth. * Pine brings good health and wealth. * Spruce brings wealth though family connections. * Maple trees are about the free flowing circulation of money and attracting business There are some beliefs that if you are using tree branches, the different woods you choose might also have some connotations for you. For instance, willow tree branches can help alleviate sorrow and help pay for medical expenses. Money tree branches made from willow trees might also help a widow find a new husband. Money trees made from oak branches bode financial strength and immunity to bad financial trends. They symbolize being sturdy and having stamina during tough economic times. Oaks are big strong trees that put firm roots deep into the ground so they symbolize financial strength. Hanging a few acorns or buckeyes on this type of tree is also a good idea. The principle of manifestation with this type of ritual is that whatever you put on the tree in terms of real or fake money will then multiply ten times. This is why it is a good idea to add as many money “leaves” as possible. It is also not a bad idea to add coins. Foreign coins, fake coins, and real coins work well. You can also decorate the tree with foil covered chocolate coins, which symbolize the money coming to you in and easy and sweet way. The idea is that whatever you attach to the tree is worth ten times as much. If you don’t have any money, you can use any kind of fake money. It is perfectly acceptable to use Monopoly money. If you don’t even have a set of Monopoly money around, you can write the amounts that you need on little slips of paper. The paper...

Readers Questions | Can I Cast Protection Circle Around Candle Spell?

                  Hi Jacqueline, Is it necessary to cast a circle for protection to keep unwanted negative energies away before performing a ritual/love spell? Or can I cast a love spell and use my Bible to recite a script like Psalm 23. Thanks Sherri * * * * * * * Sherri, some people use salt as a catalyst to keep away negative energieswhen burning candles. I found this out when I was interviewing Stan the candle maker, who I featured in a series of interviews recently regarding candles. You might want to look back about a month to read what Stan has to say about ringing salt around candles to keep away negative energies. You can contact him at www.wizardcandles.com if you want to find out about using or casting a circle around your candle work. In regards to using Psalm 23 for love candle spell magic, I would suggest using the following: Psalms 45 and 46 – Psalms for Making Peace between a Man and his Wife Psalm 7– Psalm for Crossed Conditions and to Overcome Enemies Plotting Against You Psalm 22 – Psalm to Keep All Misfortune Away A good reference book that you should consider getting is called “Secrets of the Psalms” by Geoffrey A. Selig...

Saint Expedite Red Candle Spell Altar for “Fast Luck” & “Things in a Hurry”

Saint Expedite Red Candle Spell Altar for “Fast Luck” & “Things in a Hurry” Saint Expedite, or San Expedito, is a well loved Saint around New Orleans. It has been reputed that he is the Saint to petition when you need “Fast Luck” or when you need ‘things in a hurry’. He is also the Saint to petition when someone is procrastinating about an issue. Above, we show a simple alter set up for St. Expedite. An image, framed photograph or chromograph or statue (we show both), a glass of water and a candle anointed with either “St. Expedite” or “Fast Luck” Condition Oils (both available through www.lucky13clover.com ). The only other addition may be a petition written on a piece of white paper and placed under the candle. Once the petition or wish has been granted, legend tells that you must offer him a glass of red wine and some pound cake. Some variations on the offerings can be the whole pound cake or slices arranged on a plate with a coin (usually a dime) placed on top. Once a few days have passed, take the cake outside for the birds and pour the wine and water down the drain. Give the coins to the poor. Some say that despite their efforts to ‘work’ with Saint Expedite, he does not respond to them. I have heard that either you have much success or no success with St. Expedite.  ...

No Green Candles, but Money Magic with Money Origami – FUN!

OK, so while this is not ‘money magic’ using a green candle, this IS a cute way to spend time with the grandkids, during those long team sessions at work or just to be cool! I stumbled upon these sites that show how to fold money in the traditional Japanese method called Origami. Wouldn’t it be great to use some of these ideas like the butterflies on your money tree? www.origami-resource-center.com/money-origami.html www.origami-resource-center.com/dollar-bill-origami.html mortgagesandloans.org/2009/06/26/amazing-and-incredible-money-origami-art/...

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