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  • Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website... Purpose of the Free Candle Spells website   Friends, Welcome to the Free Candle Spells website – a place where many candle rituals and spells are listed here from various cultural paths and belief systems. This website created in 2008, is a directory of information regarding products, folkloric beliefs, botanicals, potions and more, so that you can do the research and read and discover ways to bring goodness and positivity into your lives, while dispelling negativity in your personal situations. This site is meant for you to take time and R-E-A-D, as most of Mankind’s problems are addressed within the blog posts of this website. All articles are owned and published by the Free Candle Spells*....
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Readers Questions | Vinegar Jar Spell Update (interesting…!)

Readers Questions | Vinegar Jar Spell Update (interesting…!)           Vinegar Jar 3 Day Follow-up by Eben, our reader and spell submitter Friends, If you remember back a couple of weeks ago, Eben gave us his version of the Vinegar Jar Spell. He is reporting on the happenings as a result of the old adage, “Three Days, Three Weeks, Three Months”. Read on….. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was really unsure how to comment on the blog. I attempted, but it left me nowhere to post anything. Anyway. I have decided, if it is okay with you, to post my 3 day, 3 week, and 3 months follow-ups. It was 3 days actually two Saturdays ago. Talking to my friend (the mate of the target) as I see her daily, there was pretty much a fight the days leading up to me actually performing the Vinegar Jar Spell. I can say.. that the Target only helped my cause or that my energy is probably pretty on point in this situation. So, as for the first official Day after the spell had been put into place, the mate of the target, my friend, had a pretty ho hum and I don’t care outlook about the evening she had planned for the Target. Something really nice, actually. Now, that night they did go out and successfully had fun. And you know what? I am actually glad. I am not glad necessarily that the target and the mate didn’t have a drag out fight, but at the same time I am glad that she did have fun. No matter what we do in someone’s life, we do want them to enjoy life. The next Jar Moment actually was noticed on the 7th day. The mate contacted the Target to see if he was going to come get her from work and he was aggravated at her. I heard only one side of the conversation and she had excuses for him, but he felt like he was being bothered at work. As for this last week, the mate has taken actions on her own that usually are considered with the Target in mind. So, she is becoming and moving in an independent fashion.. or so, it seems. It is interesting. Usually, she contacts the target throughout the day or he contacts her. She waits for him at night and they plan things together. In the past week, she has driven independently or taking other plans to go home which do not directly involve the Target. He may show up later, but doesn’t seem to be an immediate factor as he used to be for a trip back home from work. She also has been talking to others throughout her day a lot more and focusing less on him.     I was told 3 days for the first signs to show. The signs have been faint, but I feel they are on track. Since the pictures have turned to a pulpy mash, I have not shaken the jar as often. I have also noticed that the nails are clean. I could be shaking the rust off. The 3 razor blades that I failed to mention were also initially slipped into the mix can not be seen at all. Now, here is an odd thing. I had vacuum sealed the jar. I have twisted the lid on so tight that you practically need a wrench to take the lid off. I have also placed the jar into a zip lock bag. The Jar continually leaks. This jar has not been dropped or chipped in any fashion. There is not much that can catch under the lid when I shake it. So, there...

Reader Questions | Yellow Ochun Candle Spell Results?

            Hi Jacqueline! Just wanted to show you a pic of this trabajo (“job” in spanish) I’m doing as I told you before its dedicated to Ochun. I lit a yellow candle, put it on top of the jar and tied a yellow and pink ribbon around the cap of the jar then prayed to Ochun to bring my boyfriend back to me. I did it for 25 consecutive days. He did come back but we argued, fought and he left once again. Now he’s gone again and I haven’t heard from him in a few days, so now I’m doing the 4 caminos (“roads” in Spanish or more likely “crossroads”) which would be 3 more sets. This would keep him from leaving. So now I tied the ribbon on the opposite side. when I’m done with the three sets its going to look like a cross. Right now I’m on about my seventh day, now what freaked me out was that after I took an Oshun bath I started praying to her in front of the candle. The flame was extremely high then it parted into 2 seperate wicks with 2 high flames. As they were burning, the flames became so small then the main wick turned off. After the 2nd flame turned off, I turned the candle on again. Also, if you look closely at the pics, you can see specks in the mirror which is actually candle wax splattered from just seven days of burning them. Jacqueline please tell me what you think… I know it’s not good.. I feel there’s a negative force that is tearing my boyfreind and me apart. I don’t believe that Oshun is against bringing us back together. The candles I’ve been burning have been burning faster than usual and it usually leaves a wax residue. I just think that someone else might be doing something against my boyfriend and me. Tt’s really scary to actually see a flame just shut off with nothing triggering it. Do you have any specific candles for my case? Any recommendations at all? Roselyn (letter edited for grammatical errors)   * * * * * * * Thank you for all the pictures, but they neve came through! Now, here’s my thoughts. First, honey jars are not Santeria/Lukumi/Ifa religious based, so my question here is this: Why are you mixing a traditional hoodoo/conjure/rootwork spell (the honey jar) with a goddess/deity of an African religion? Secondly, what is the “4 Cuatros” (4 Corners) Spell at the crossroads? Why would someone petition Ellegua (Guardian of the Crossroads) for love? Ellegua is for making decisions that you can live with. For example, I was living in one state and hesitant about staying or moving back to my original sate I lived for many years. I did not know what to do. I did a spell at the crossroads to tell Ellegua to ‘open my paths’ and guide me to the best way and, I would accpet the decision as I relinquished all powers of discernment on this subject to him. I moved within a month. Done deal. It makes me want to jump up and down in my office when I see the Saints/Santos/Orichas (spelled correctly) petitioned without any knowledge for which is the Orichas’ jurisdiction. Unless it was explained to me wrong – and I will give this inch of doubt – unless your spiritual worker was telling you, “Hey! Let’s do a spell for Ellegua at the crossroads and let HIM decide whether you two should be together or not -AND put to boot to your jeans back pockets or his,...

Readers Questions | What Does It Mean When the Candle Goes Out?

What does it mean when you have a glass candle that shold burn for at least nine days and it outs before the ninth day, and there is also a popping noise that is coming out of the candle while it is burning. What does it really mean. Thanks, Miss Ladi (letter edited for grammatical corrections) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When your candle goes out; the spell is done. More interestingly enough, where did you get a candle that burns for 9 days? Most of the common candles lin glass are named “7 Day”, “7 day Vigil”, or “7 day Novena” type candles. The only other candle that is larger than that (outside of being one from Pier1, Cost Plus or custom made) is the generic 14-day candle in glass. But that is not compared to your question. When a candle goes out, and not from the kitty playing with the flame, a torrential indoor downpour or gust of wind, then you can take it as the spell is done – HOWEVER – unless you have placed too much Condition or Anointing Oil in the top of the candle, which will ‘drown’ it.  I interviewed a candle maker, Stan of www.wizardcandles.com, and he told me that there is a ratio or “mix” of air to liquid to combustable (wick) that needs to be maintained in order for candles to burn “right”. The wrong mix, well….. Now on the spiritual side… it CAN also indicate that the ‘other party involved’ or ‘other interested party’ is working against you – a kind of ‘candle wars’.  For example, Girl Two wants to steal Boy from Girl One. She lights a “Love Drawing Candle” or “Break Up Candle”. Girl One finds out, starts lighting “Stay wiht Me” or “Go Away, Girl Two”  candles. Girl Two finds out, lights more or different candles, and so on and so on…. Good Luck and keep us posted on the...

Ideas for Keeping your Home Fire Safe During Candle Burning Spells

Ideas for Keeping your Home Fire Safe During Candle Burning Spells               There has been many questions posed to me lately about fire safety from clients who are fearful of torching their home when burning candles. I live with such a person, but I myself have had over 20 candles for clients burning all at the same time and (get this!) I have left town for business purposes and left the candle burning! I have never had any problems with candles once I learned the proper way of setting lights safely. Before I learned, I had quite an experience! Very early on in my candle burning days, I lit a Seven African Powers candle and sat it on a glass table with wooden legs that was on hardwood flooring. I left the house a couple of hours later for a party nearby. We dined and were sitting around the backyard conversing in the oncoming twilight when all of a sudden, I got an overwhelming urge to go home. I was panicky, and I left my then spouse and children at the party to drive the short distance home. When I arrived, the candle glass had cracked and the liquid wax had ran across the glass table top and was dripping onto the hard wood floor. Fortunately, flames had not followed the trail of liquid wax, but this taught me a lesson that I had to be more careful. So this blog post will show with pictures the various ways to protect your home from fire when leaving candles burning for your candle spell. It is considered better to leave the candles burning as constant energy that is being applied to your petition or cause, but with kids, the cat, frilly curtains, fears and petition papers being present in your environment as well, these photos should give you a good idea on how to protect your home and loved ones. There are some tradition metal candle holders that you drop the glass candle in. Here is one example of a votive holder but my Puerto Rican madrina had some crudely fashioned tall metal candle holders for the 7 day novena type candle in glass that we commonly use for candle spell work.   Then there are Pyrex pie plates, like I use when burning a bunch of candles together. These are relatively inexpensive at your neighborhood Wally World and since the glass has been tempered for use in the oven, you can bet that it can hold temperatures of at least 450 degrees with ease.   Other methods of safecandle spell burning are shown in these photos below. We have the candle sitting in a jelly jar with water, a candle on one of those thick candle ‘plates’ from Pier 1 or Cost Plus Imports, a candle on a clear glass plate I picked up from the dollar store and for those who are truly fearful of fire, a triple protected candle with the candle in the jelly jar of water, in a bowl, on a plate. Even kitty won’t tumble that one!  ...

New Moon in Cancer – July 21, 2009 | All in the Family and an Eclipse, too!

The New Moon in Cancer occurs on July 21, 2009 at 9:36 pm E.S.T. It is in 29th degree of Cancer as just less than an hour later, the Moon changes signs into the astrological sign of Leo (at 10:28 pm E.S.T.). This New Moon is considered “Cardinal”, meaning that it is emotional and innovating. Not only do we have the regular Moon lunation, but it also occurs during a Solar Eclipse, which makes this an especially powerful Moon for wishing or burning candles for the family and all that it encompasses; children, home and hearth, food, mother, nurturing, safety and security. Blue candles anointed with “Peaceful Home” Condition Oil would work well. It is the best time to cast candle spells for compelling (for bringing someone to uphold their promise or word), controlling and domination. This Cancer Moon has great power to sway others that are easily influenced. You can find “Compelling” Condition Oil and “Controlling” Condition Oil at www.lucky13clover.com. Our next Full Moon will occur on August 5,...

Readers Questions | A Vinegar Jar Break Up/Be Gone Spell

            Jacqueline, So, I started a Vinegar Jar on this last waning moon. My intent… Time was of the essence, the target is actually leaving town for several months out of the country and he and his innocent mate will not be together. I figure this will make a stronger impact. Unfortunately, career rarely gives me moments where I can sit down at night or even during the day to perform such spells with continuity or on a regular schedule. I was trying to get the most efficient kick-start with what I had and the time I had. I do know these take time to operate. I just needed to make sure I set it in motion.. Time for it to work? I have all the time in the world. The jar is not necessarily to bring one closer to my heart, but to get my innocent friend.. his mate, out of a devious situation. The target is very deceitful and disrespectful to the mate. Granted, it takes two to tango. I know this. Still.. you can’t erase two years of disrespect and lying with physical possessions. The Process… I had a pic of the target waxed to the underside of the lid, Several other pics of the Target, A pic of the target and mate torn completely between them (target circled black, mate circled red), 9 Nails, Red Pepper Seeds, Cheyenne Peppers, Habenero Peppers, Petition Paper, vinegar filled to the top, and Lemon Juice freshly squeezed. I performed in the hours of Mars on a waning moon cycle. I actually heated the jar to create a vacuum in the jar as it cooled. I meditated to clear my head and focus on the process through to final outcome. Shook the jar vigorously and burned black candle on the top. I would also burned a white candle in another room to balance out the negative and positive energy coming from me. Post ritual, I salt cleansed myself as well as wrapped the jar in black fabric. I shake the jar every morning when I wake up. It has been several days now. As I am usually full of faith in believing in the powers that be in these situations. I am not so sure of it right now. As it has only been a few days.. I noticed that the pictures in my jar are actually pulp at this point. I do see that the Targets name is still on the underside of the lid and I see bits of his name floating around, but as for most of it at this point, it is pulp. Do the photos need to be intact for it to really be effective or is this pulp actually something really good that I should just flow with? Is this something I should scrap and start a new on the next waning moon? Eben ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WOW! What a Hum-DINGER of a spell! So let me clarify, I understand that the innocent mate is your friend and it is the ‘devious one’ who will be leaving the country. I can sympathize with your noble sense of rescue and having a friend like you is rare, indeed! So, the old adage in Hoodoo/ Conjure/Rootwork is: ” 3 DAYS…3 WEEKS…3 MONTHS”. This is the time frame of the earliest you should see results to the end time you should see results. Why? It is on God’s time, not yours. He is the Just Judge (Justo Juez) Sounds like you have the time within this saying. You did it on a darkening (waning) Moon or when the Moon is growing smaller; that is...

Advertise your Spiritual Services on Free Candle Spells | July 2009

Advertise your Spiritual Services on Free Candle Spells | July 2009 Greetings! Thank you for taking the time for considering boosting your business with www.free-candle-spells.com. I want to offer a glimpse of the various ways that you can increase traffic to your phone and/or website, and a great way to run little ‘mini-specials’ when you have a lull in business. PACKAGE NUMBER ONE: A full, one page biography of you and what you do, including photos, links to your website or e-mail address, full physical address (if you desire it to be posted) and telephone number can be yours for only $200.00 a year. For less than a cup of gourmet coffee a day, you can be driving more business your way! PACKAGE NUMBER TWO: The best deal as your banner ad will be seen on the first landing page every day! A 125 X 125 pixel (approx. 1 inch square) banner ad (see examples on the upper right of this page) with links to your own website for only $30.00 a month (6 month Contract/payment monthly) Here is an example of an ad in this price point: Your first customer will pay for the whole ad all month long with over 500 new and unique people seeking spiritual supplies and services daily. PACKAGE NUMBER THREE: Blog insert written about you and the services you provide. Article is written by you (grammatical corrections by myself). Photos and links to your website or contact telephone numbers and e-mail addresses in the event you do not have a website. Stays on the front page for one week, then stays in the blog indefinitely. One time charge of $25.00 per entry. This is perfect for Specials of the Month with direct links to your PayPal account for instant payment from customers! Here’s a sample: This will be the first thing that readers see for three days before the article submission on Sunday morning (if you are a Thursday insert you will have from mid-afternoon Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday before a new article ‘tops’ your article) or on Thursday morning (If you are a Sunday posting you will be immediately visible for all of Sunday, Monday Tuesday and Wednesday until mid-afternoon when a new article ‘tops’ your post) PACKAGE NUMBER FOUR: A banner as such as some of these shown below listed four times ( 4 Sundays or 4 Thursdays)) for $20.00 a month! This will be inserted immediately under an article and will be considered ‘live’ with ‘live’ PayPal buttons that pay directly into your Paypal account until you notify us to delete the ad and/or PayPal buttons. For more informatio nabout advertising your psychic and spiritual services and products with www.free-candle-spells.com, please contact me by e-mail at freecandlespells (at) yahoo.com or call me at (916) 284 – 5552. Jacqueline...

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