Free Candle Spells | Candle Success – Lighting Candles with Confidence for Success – Part 2







Read the blog post Candle Success | Lighting Candles with Confidence for Success – Part 1 to find out what happened first …..

The young woman left my home and proceeded to go purchase the candles. I received a telephone call the next morning at 7:30 am. It was the young lady and she was trembling as we spoke. This is what happened to her after leaving me.

She went to the candle shop to buy the white and black candles as I had supplied her with the oils, but not the candles. She went home and started to proceed with the ritual but forgot to buy lemon juice. She told me that she decided she would call me the next day after she bought some lemon juice and have me reiterate the spell over the phone. She left the candles on her bedroom dresser.

She told me she received a call in the middle of the night from her boyfriend. He had been drinking with his buddies, drove off on his motorcycle (all predicted in my tarot card reading; specifically I told her he was to either get into a crash or a DUI arrest sometime before the upcoming holiday – just two days away from the day of her visit). He had some minor scrapes and bumps and could not go to the hospital. He was crying and telling her that realized that he was a fool for treating her in such a manner as he sat stunned on the side of the road. He was remorseful of his actions regarding her.

She told me that she he is now behaving as he should with her and he has told her he only wants to be with her. The power of candle magic worked even when a flame wasn’t put to the wick. Intention can be such a powerful force that if harnessed in the right way, as in this young woman’s case, the affairs of the heart and the possibility of “getting burned” again, she radiated such energy that the change began as soon as she bought her candles – despite forgetting the lemon juice!





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